I don't usually do these, but this year has been a good opportunity for growth and healing thus far and I'd like it to stay that way. Besides, if I don't get this stuff done in the next few months, I'm sure as hell not finishing it up in medical school.
1. Make and keep to a budget.
My problem is that I haven’t had a budget in six years and I’m way too responsible. I end up saving all I can when really, I could afford to invite a friend out to dinner or catch a film now and again.
2. Forget about medical school applications more quickly.
I’m good about putting them out of my mind while I wait for responses, but they stick around for a while after each time someone asks me how they’re going.
3. Continue to exercise consistently.
I’m currently doing about 40 minutes of aerobic stuff 5-6 days per week and 2-3 weight sessions per week. I’d like to add a weight session and build strength. Specifically, I’d like to increase my squat and press capabilities and add belt weight to my pull-ups. I also need to add sprint sessions. I think I've given up on gaining weight for the time being.
4. Decrease back pain.
Rhomboids, rhomboids, rhomboids. Stretch more often. And resolution number five.
5. Keep getting enough sleep.
This might be tough if I start school again in the fall, but it’s really important. I become a cranky zombie with less than five hours of sleep, and my back pain increases with fewer than seven.
6. Write to, email, call, or text my friends once every month or two.
Or else I won’t have any after a while.
7. Finish making a bat box and hang it up for the poor wee batlets.
8. Plan amazing travels.
I’ve borrowed guide books about Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Alaska from the library, so I’ve already started this one. If I don’t plan anything, I won’t get to go, and then I will be very sad.
9. Teach myself or take a course in something new.
I took a phlebotomy course last fall and loved it. Then I taught myself medical terminology and loved it even more. I’d like to learn a new language, though, so maybe I’d better attend another class for that. French? German? Advanced bike repair?
10. Brush up my Spanish.
It’s going to hell with disuse. Same with the karate and pole vaulting, but I’ll stick with one goal of this sort per year.
11. Publish something.
I’ve come close a few times, but no papers. C’mon, 2007!
12. See my friends more often.
I’m trying to get to work a bit earlier so I can leave a bit earlier and have fun evenings. The most recent plan is a standing happy hour meeting every few weeks. It hasn’t really taken shape thus far, and I should work on that.
13. Read more.
I used to be able to read for pleasure even while writing my masters thesis. I should surely be able to do so now. I think my vocabulary is suffering because I'm reading less. (I would like to also to resolve to listen to more new music and/or see more shows, but I know I won’t.)
14. Go to the gynecologist & inquire about IUDs.
15. Sort through my wardrobe. Donate: clothing I do not wear, clothing that has too many holes, excessive t-shirts.
16. Go shopping for nicer clothing.
It has been years since I really went shopping, since I tend to loathe it. I do stop by thrift stores every few months and I bought a new suit for my interviews, but that’s been it. I need to stop pretending that I haven’t torn two pairs of my pants and can still wear them when I need to look presentable.
17. Learn how to hit on someone and/or ask someone out.
Do not, however, actually incur dates yet. They just lead to trouble, and I don’t need any trouble until at least March.
18. Go to the doctor re: back pain, manubrial bone spur, twisted spine & displaced ribs, knee pain.
19. Get new contacts.
The current brand irritates my left eye due to an improper fit. This has been going on for about two years now. It’s time to do something about it.
20. Reorganize paperwork and update filing system.
21. Keep my room cleaner.
22. Reply politely when complimented or thanked.
“Oh?” and “No prob” are not acceptable responses.
23. Purchase a functioning digital camera and take more pictures.
24. Improve my skin care regimen. I need to put on lotion instead of just wishing my fingers didn’t crack and bleed.
25. Sell or donate books I no longer need.
I resolve to do this every year, and every year I fail. How can I possibly be done with a given book? But I must. I have been out of bookshelf space for years, and the stacks on top are teetering precariously. I’m proud that I haven’t given in to buying another bookshelf instead of solving the obvious problem.
26. Work out my remaining mental kinks.
I've still got the odd nightmare about the N assault, and I'd rather the whole thing eff off and die. There's a bit of forgiveness to do, too. I don't dwell on this stuff, as such, but it does pop up more frequently than I'd like. Bad memories triggered by good experiences and the like. Also, some people are fucktards and I should let them live with themselves instead of worrying about it.
27. Be slightly more selfish.
I ought to do a few more things I want to do, bugger anyone else's take. And I'm a bit too giving lately. I need to make myself a higher priority.
That should do it. I've got my work cut out for me with some of these. I'll try to keep track of my accomplishments.