
Oct 20, 2005 01:45

Bothering me:

1. overdue paper on the health care system in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
2. school paper article on the multigender restroom project in which I am misquoted. many other issues with this one that I'm not going to get into. suffice it to say that they lied to me and ignored much of what I said.
3. lack of time for research in the lab.
4. cumbersome splint on my poor broken pinky.
5. tomorrow's exam in microbiology which I will likely not have time to study for.
6. my inability to ever make it to rugby practice.
7. rugby practice itself, at which we do not practice rugby.
8. mixing up the new Residence Life staff and appearing awkward in front of old ResLife staff.
9. community advisors dismissing hall residents at the start of an educational dorm rap on queer issues. on a hall from which we've received reports of discrimination and harassment, no less.
10. insomnia.
11. weight loss. I am wasting away from lack of running/lifting.
12. having to fly back from Colorado.
13. l e n g t h y to-do list.

Pleasing me:

1. TK's comment, whereupon I invited him to a TransBrandeis meeting to seek his advice: [laughs] I'm learning from you!
2. nearly complete status of aforementioned paper on BiH.
3. visiting ResLife staff.
4. going out for once (tomorrow).
5. yet another intelligent and thoughtful student coming out to me.
6. upcoming game against Bridgewater with biannual rugby retreat directly afterward.
7. finishing all exams and papers till next Wednesday.
8. having been adventuring in Denver and Boulder this past weekend. returning to a wond'rous New England autumn.
9. time soon to do All Things Queer Avenger-y.
10. time for lab work.
11. time for reading.
12. time for sleeping.
13. me time!
14.there will be time, there will be time
to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
there will be time to murder and create,
and time for all the works and days of hands
that lift and drop a question on your plate;
time for you and time for me,
and time yet for a hundred indecisions,
and for a hundred visions and revisions,
before the taking of a toast and tea.

Looky there, good outweighs bad. (Shhh, never mind that the last six pros are mostly the same thing.)
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