Geez I'm glad this isnn't a constitution Class Ship...

Oct 21, 2003 02:25

Captain's Log: Star Date???
Ok... I got off the turbolift here.... made a right down this corridor...past this thingy on the wall..
made a right here...ok ..this looks familliar.... And theres the turbolift I got off of...DAMN!!!
I just can't believe I'm lost on my own ship... I must have been wandering for days...Man I'm
losing my buzz... Aren't there deck plans on this ship...oh here we go...DAMN...their all in
Bolian...If I could find my cabin or the bar or even the holodeck....If I found the holodeck I could
load my "HOOter's" program and have a sandwich and a drink.. thank God this isn't a Constitution Class Vessel, I could be lost forever...Hey this door looks familiar...yeah.. I think
I'll try it.... O hello...I uh...AAAAARRRRGGGG!!!!
" In Space No One Can Hear Your Spleen!'
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