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la623 June 14 2005, 22:09:35 UTC
Just read Skies are Blue and loved it. Thought I'd check out your page....you're cool! :)


kyizi June 18 2005, 03:47:37 UTC
*g* Why thanks! You seem pretty cool yourself! ;)

There's a new chaper of SaB up at ff.net if you're interested.


la623 June 18 2005, 08:47:06 UTC
Hey! Cool! THanks! :)
I'm on there too, but under LoVe23...I'll read and review!


kyizi June 18 2005, 14:39:48 UTC
;) Thanks. Your icon is pretty, btw, what's it from?


la623 June 18 2005, 14:54:14 UTC
Thanks! I got it from louloucn. She has really cool icons and stuff.


kyizi June 18 2005, 18:53:22 UTC
Yeah? What show is it? I can't quite tell and I'm being particularly inept today!

Looked you up on ff.net hoping to find more fic to read! I see you're a logged in reviewer, though, that's always nice! *g*


la623 June 18 2005, 19:06:22 UTC
Alas, I am not a writer...I have a great imagination, and I'm sure I could think of some stuff, but when I write it down, it's never as good as what I think. I can visualize, but I can't ever do it justice on paper. :) But I do love to read. :) Oh, and the show is Veronica Mars. It's Logan & Veronica. I came across this site and ff.net completely by chance, and I'm glad that I did. I didn't realize how many people were interested in this stuff and all the amazing stories. I started reading the V. Mars, and I stumbled upon the Gilmore Girls on ff.net...and so many others...I was floored! :) There's just so much to read!


kyizi June 19 2005, 03:53:01 UTC
Hah! Yeah, I remember the first time I discovered ff.net, it was like christmas. Unfortunately a lot of crap gets posted there as well; the treat is when you find something truly amazing and there's plenty of that as well.


la623 June 19 2005, 13:25:05 UTC
Ya, me too! I know what you mean. When I saw the Gilmore Girls, I was sooo happy! :) But your right, there's a lot of stuff that shouldn't even be posted...fortunately, I've only seen a few. I can usually see it in the first few lines, then I just move on to the next one. :)


kyizi June 19 2005, 15:13:26 UTC
Yeah, that's pretty much what I do! ;)


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