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heliona June 6 2005, 12:58:15 UTC
Love your new layout (although I don't know how new it is, since I haven't been on LJ in God knows how long! *g*)

Wah! Both you and loriel_eris can't download stuff for me anymore! That means when I get back and get a job and find somewhere to live (hopefully with someone else, because I'd go crazy living on my own) I had better get Broadband and d/l stuff for myself! *gasp* *g* I think one of my priorities in looking at places to live is going to be if I can get Broadband. *g* I wonder if I can convince loriel_eris to move in with me with that incentive! Or you, perhaps! Speaking of, don't know when I'll be coming back, but I should imagine it will be towards the end of the summer. I'm hoping to fly back from either Maine or Canada, whichever is cheaper! *g*


kyizi June 7 2005, 05:02:24 UTC
Honey, when are you moving back? I may be moving in with Lynne, but that all depends on whether or not she gets into Midwifery at Robert Gordon or not; otherwise PLEASE MOVE IN WITH ME!!!! *g* And, yes, broadband is a MUST! ;)

As for the layout, it's a couple of months old. I may be changing it again soon. Depends when I get a new one made! :p



heliona June 17 2005, 11:37:41 UTC
I don't know when I'm moving back, but it'll be within the next couple of months, I guess. I can't really move into a rent-paying place as soon as I get back though, since I have no money. I'll have to get a job first, and heaven knows how hard that'll be, because I don't intend working in a call centre or the UGC, much as I love the people there (who probably aren't there anymore anyway)!


kyizi June 18 2005, 03:35:52 UTC
LoL! I know what you mean. I'm having issues getting jobs as well at the minute, so it's a no go for me too.

I'm so sorry, but I didn't get anything sent out to you, one day wasn't enough to pull anything together. Laura and I had planned to collaborate :/ Hope you eventually got your birthday and Christmas pressies, though!


heliona June 18 2005, 08:17:47 UTC
Don't worry about it.

And Marilyn has sent all of my mail from the UK, so I should be getting Christmas stuff soon! *g* Only 6 months late! But you're not getting a birthday present until I get back anyway, so it works! *g*


kyizi June 18 2005, 14:38:47 UTC
LoL! Well, your birthday and christmas pressie was together in the box, so you get a 2 for 1! Am only sorry I didn't get you anything sent this time :(


heliona June 28 2005, 08:16:16 UTC
Well, have just discovered that Marilyn didn't send my stuff because they'd put it in the attic and forgotten about it, so I won't get it until I'm back on home soil! Don't worry, the stuff loriel_eris sent is enough to keep me busy for a while! *g*


kyizi June 29 2005, 08:30:37 UTC
Well, I'm glad you got *something*! Can't wait to have to back. You realise I'm keeping you, right?


heliona June 30 2005, 14:36:03 UTC
You're keeping me? *g* Does that mean you'll pay me? I'll have you know that my rates are *very* high! :p

By the sounds of it, though, you're going to have competition! *g*


kyizi July 2 2005, 15:15:46 UTC
LoL! Not sure if I can afford you, but I could chain you to Glasgow and make sure you don't run off anytime soon! ;)


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