in case anyone needed further proof that i am *insane*...

Aug 26, 2011 06:12

So I've started taking the megabus when travelling to Edinburgh, because it is, at most, half the price (prices vary depending on how early you book). So, about a week ago, I'd mentioned to my friend that I might be needing to work from Edinburgh this Friday and could she put me up. We decided it was as good a time as any to plan our September hiking trip and also I could catch up with our group of friends whom I've not seen in months, as well as go climbing with her. As it turned out, I didn't need to work from Edin, but, since I'd made plans, asked if I could anyway. I mean, it wasn't going to cost that much...

So, yeah, I had a hair appt last night and my friends were at a Fringe show, so I booked a late bus. And then spent the entire journey freaking out about whether or not I'd left the grill on. And, the thing is, this isn't a stupid assumption with me, it isn't just one of those paranoia kicks where you spend the day idly wondering if you've left your ghds on. I have left the oven/grill on before. Many times! The only thing is, the longest length of time I'm normally away from said left-on-appliance is a work day. I had no plans to be home for a few days!

So, I arrived too late to really do anything about coming back to Glasgow last night, spent a further hour freaking out at my friends and on the phone with loriel_eris and being calmed enough to realise that, no, it's not likely that my oven will explode if left unattended for the night, but yeah...

So here's me, on less than 4hrs sleep, having spent almost 5x as much on a return train ticket than my bus ticket through here cost me, sitting on the 6:08 train to Milngavie, planning to travel all the way to Partick, check my cooker is switched off, get on a train back to Edinburgh and into work for 8:30 (I'll likely be closer to 9), on a day I didn't have to actually be in Edinburgh in the first place.

Thank God Costa was open from 5pm...

Also, how is this my life!?

Oh, and I'm typing on the BB and the interface is rotten, so I won't be checking this post before I hit 'post' - sorry f formatting or spelling/typos are abundant!

how is this my life

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