Jun 24, 2006 07:37
Rrrrg, recital today.
Two hours, actually.
Every time I make an entry on this thing, I cringe :'D BECAUSE I'M SO EMO. I HAVE A LIVEJOURNAL, OHWUTNOW.
But I'm really lame and can't actually write anything in a diary because I hate writing. So I type up loads of crap and +submit it to the already overflowing Internet. Yay?
Also, haha. I searched Death Note on Borders.com and they gave me a list of similar books.
They all happen to be stories of manlovers, though. I SEE NO CONNECTION.
Aaaaand, I have watermelon gum, yaya. It's yummilicious. But I'm sad because I'm re-playing RE4 (SHUTUP I'M BORED) and need the 2nd disc from Makayla but all their stuff is gone and I just want to beat it now and uhhhh. Someone PLEASE buy me a ps2 and ship it here. With Shadow of the Collossus *wantsthatgamesoooobad*
I'll so give my ovaries for it D:
Well, not really. I can't see what anyone would do with those.
I don't want to know, either.