I'm always bored, aren't I?

Oct 13, 2004 12:36

For once, I do have something to write about. However, I don't feel like saying anything I may regret saying later, and much less do I feel like crying if it came down to it. The other night, my precious (and for those of you who think I'm crazy when I say that, I used to refer to my boyfriend as my precious) decided it was best to break up. ...So, bear with me as I tear my insides apart for a while and look perfectly fine on the outside. I don't know who I'll be with by the time this thing decides to explode without warning in my face, so... Do me a favor and just let me cry when I do?

So, here I am. Sick, but I'm more or less fine. I haven't really done much the last couple of days since it happened... Though, there's something I should explain. I was telling my friend Karma a few weeks ago that when something bad happens, and string of bad events tend to follow. I saw it coming... I really did. I never wanted to believe it, though, so Monday night I took it better than I normally would have. Bad things happened that day... Worse things followed. A few good things happened yesterday, but now I feel bad things have still yet to come. I'm going to try asking my dad again if I can go to my sister's birthday party this weekend. If he says no, I won't be too happy... Especially since one of my best friends is also holding her birthday party that day. (It'll be combined, since their birthdays are two days apart. Note to self: Get gift for P-chan, find something for Karma, and get present for Ne-chan.)

My life...sucks. That's all there is to it. I'm almost practically fighting with my dad nearly every day, I'm going to school and not learning anything since it's completely review for me (I'm taking one class: Japanese 102. The equivalent of Japanese 2 with some 3 way back in high school. Meaning...crap I learned 4 - 5 fucking years ago. >.<), my friends decide they now want to be a bigger part in my life, and my writing on Gaia is so backlogged that I don't know how the fuck I'm ever going to get finished. ...I hate being busy sometimes... Also, I hate having a LIFE sometimes. ._.

I need out of here. Not away from my friends, but I need something new. I want new friends... Not get rid of the old ones, but get more friends. Just, new people I can talk to along with the old. I want a job, but at the same time I don't. I want to get out of this fucking house, away from this fucking asshole of a father I live with, and out of this hellhole I've managed to put myself in. I want to be happy again... I want cuddles. Damn it, I want a kitty. I want someone to hold me, and tell me everything is going to be okay. I just... I want to forget...

Now that I've given you guys an update of my shitty existence, here's a random thing I stole from a friend. (Distraction... I need a distraction...)

My angst tastes like...

Find your angst's flavor

...Uh, no. Let's try that again.

My angst tastes like...

Black Licorice
Find your angst's flavor

A little better... But one more, just in case. (Curse my many answers for everything.)

My angst tastes like...

Find your angst's flavor

Also a little better. If anything, I'd have to say that the Licorice and Lime should be combined, and you've pinpointed me exactly. With a few things left out, of course.

How fitting was this test for my mood, ne?

Oh, and Blayde-kun? Good luck with that paper.
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