a brief Kylie update

Jun 25, 2007 15:11

Oh yeah, and I haven't posted in a while. User conference for work last week. Went really well and I felt more useful than other years! Presentation went well, and I actually helped people with questions :)

One of the best parts (maybe the best) was seeing Mike Beebe and Brett (a coworker of his). We had lunch, and I got to see what they do, and while I'm still not sure exactly where all the GIS stuff plays into it I found it really interesting. Plus it was a confidence booster to know that when explained well I do actually understand the stuff. And we talked tris... one of my favorite lines of the day was Mike asking if I minded talking about them :) Teehee... Like I do much else ;) He wants to try one... I hope he does!

I've been biking and swimming my butt off. And running... but not running my foot off. Most of the tendinitis-y feeling is gone, but I'm trying to keep it that way by *gasp* being good and listening to my body!

Oh and the UC and seeing cool GIS projects somewhat inspired me. I'm debating applying for a Masters of GIS program. It's at University of Redlands, and they just started offering a part-time option! I'd looked at the program before, but the solid year of a full commitment made it too hard. I'd love to have the GIS knowledge to be able to do a better job with what I do, and to be able to move more into the GIS-technical part. I mean, I already know I love the subject. I am definitely a computer map geek. Yup, I am.

gis, education, work, friends, road biking, running, swimming

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