thoughts of the day in order of thinking them

Mar 02, 2007 09:19

  • My mom is awesome... I think she is just as excited about me moving in with Mike as I am. Then again, I do think she's spent the last few years trying to get me laid when I'm around ;)
  • Semi tires EXPLODING right next to you is really really loud and scary and make my car shake. Panels of truck flying over my car are, too. And the tires are huge and make a fwapping booming sound when they fly into you. Makes it hard to put the clutch in when my legs are shaking that much. Cars are a lot stronger than I give them credit for being -- I don't think mine has a scratch. And the driver was awesome -- looked at my car, made sure it was ok, gave me his info in case it doesn't drive right, etc. Plus he kept the truck (the kind with 2 trailers of sand) in a straight line in his lane riding on just the rim shooting sparks (the tire was completely gone pretty much immediately) and got to the side safely. This was right at my exit for the pool, so then I made it, and got in and got done what needed to get done, just 30 minute later than planned, and a bit more shakey.
  • How long was that piece of duct tape on the ass of these pants??
  • I think little people live in my earplugs. Today they were having a weird conversation just with each other, but I could hear it.
  • Pineapple and cottage cheese taste good when your mouth feels like 4500 yds of chlorine

mike, cars, eating, moving, swimming, commute, family

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