Feb 20, 2008 09:14
What Bill O'lielly will NEVER tell you:
America builds more prisons than schools
America builds more prisons than ANY OTHER COUNTRY per capita.
America imprisons more of their citizens for non violent crimes than ANY OTHER COUNTRY per capita.
America manufactures and exports more weapons than ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Weapons are America's number one export
Annual Cost of Improving the World
• $19 billion: Eliminates starvation and malnutrition globally.
• $12 billion: Provides education for every kid on earth.
• $15 billion: Provides access to water and sanitation.
• $23 billion: Reverses the spread of AIDS and Malaria
• $522 billion: U.S. Military budget this year.
• $484 billion: Cost of Iraq War thus far.
Sources: World Bank, National Priorities Project
Just something to think about!