Over Time E-book on Bad Dog Books NOW

Feb 01, 2016 11:16

Originally published at my website. You can comment here or there.

I’m delighted to announce that Over Time is now available as an e-book exclusively from Bad Dog Books. As is usual for all my releases since a couple years ago, I’ll have it on the other major retailers on March 1.

And a reminder: all my publication dates are kept more or less up to date on my website at http://www.kyellgold.com/pubdates.html. If you wonder where you might be expected to find this, well, it is listed in my FAQ along with the answers to a lot of other questions that, you know, I get Frequently Asked. In addition, I have a mailing list that updates once a month with all the things I’m working on!

Also as a bonus note: I can’t help you with payment information or updates to e-books or anything like that from the retailers, nor can I sell you the print-bound books that my publishers sell. Please address those questions to the retailer in question.

Bonus bonus note: The audiobook is still in process. I will of course announce when it is available.

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