Dec 20, 2004 18:08
So, it's that time of year again when everyone comes home and bombards you with the same questions over and over...what are you doing now? Where are you? Blah blah...It is really funny to talk to someone who you kind of know and have them look so incredibly disinterested in what you are saying. While you are updating them with the last couple years of your life, they are looking around the bar wondering how they can get away from you to go ask the same question to that guy they kind of know. It's silly. I am not complaining, I love all the comfortable familiar faces around...I just think it is funny.
So Karen and Diana Lockyear, Cheryl McIsaac and her boyfriend Steven (sorry, don't know his last name) and I went to Clancy's last night and it was fun. We sat around and drank some Jack Daniels (no wait, that was just me) and had some serious good times! After my eyes started burning out of my face due to the smoke, I drove Diana and Karen to Port au POrt and slowly drove and listened to Muse's new album on my way home. (and for all you that are shaking their heads because you think I drank then drove...I only had one drink over a four hour period. SO you can stop shaking your head or you may give yourself whiplash). So these are my departing words for today...
Go out and enjoy your holiday and think of something really interesting to say to those people who really don't want to talk to you...