Nov 23, 2010 00:20
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession
1.) I have empathy and the ability to read people, to a point. More so that I'm intuitive with a decent memory and can easily pick up on things about a person. However, things that involve actual interaction, such as subtle flirting? Completely over my head. Oh dear.
2.) While I do like some mainstream artists, most of my music tastes tend to either be indie or just things that are really bizarre. I tend to favor things with a kick ass guitar track or techno. Depends on the mood. Things I can ~move to. Thanks to a CERTAIN SOMEONE :| I've become obsessed with Iamamiwhoami ffffff
3.) I procrastinate a lot, but the moment I actually start something I don't stop until that thing is done to my standards of perfection. If it is sub par to me I get really upset with myself and it turns to a downward hate spiral. lol In general I feel compelled to finish whatever I start.
4.) Um. I have really weird eating habits? Sometimes I eat like a fucking anime character and other days I'm like no. No food. I reject you, food. Whatever meds I'm on usually play a part in this, but even still I'm hardly ever hungry enough to eat much. But then when I am I devour everything to the point where people are all WHOA WTF. Only exception being really good chinese food. I will eat that no matter what my stomach state is. :| Living in Philly has conditioned me, I think.
5.) Despite my joking around, I'm actually really picky about people I pursue. I have an elaborate mental chart of my own personal standards, boundaries, and limits. As well as a nifty little checklist. Chances are, the more boxes checked on the list, the more spread across the chart the person is. I tend to prefer outgoing guys, because they help my introverted self become willing to venture out into the world.
6.) I'm rather glad I'm not a dude. Because I know if I were I'd be the biggest butthole ever. Like, Jersey Shore level douchebag. I'd be a completely closeted nerd and incredibly chauvinistic. Much like the dudes in Brokencyde!
7.) I'm a complete dork about just about everything imaginably dorky. Books, History, Science, TV shows, comics, Art, Movies... Like, seriously, everything. But I have the softest spots for science, history, and art. Nothing gets me giddier than regaling people in my extensive knowledge of ancient cultures, or go on and on about how lions are the buttholes of the animal kingdom.
8.) I bathe a lot. I've an obsession with feeling clean. I can only go so long feeling dirty before I bust a cap in someone to get to a shower. And I love the shower pressure in my apartment. Holy shit that is one decent shower.
9.) I don't think I've had a normal person's sleep schedule in about ten years. Lots of being nocturnal. Or sleeping very little. If at all. Last year I went up to a week on maybe five minutes of sleep. There've been entire weekends where I haven't slept at all. People think I sleep a lot when I really don't. Sometimes I doze, but usually I just lay there in a meditative state. Insomnia is lovely isn't it?