[She wakes up with a scream, sitting up fast and throwing her hands to the sheet. Foreign bed. Foreign room, and her eyes are wide with terror as she grips the blanket with white-knuckled horror. Everything is blank at first, a whitewashed haze; she knows she's scared out of her mind and short on breath, but doesn't know why -- it's not until things start flooding back that comprehending panic starts to flood her eyes.
She sobs once, forces herself to relax. The clinic. She can tell she's at the clinic, and safe, and she remembers everything: Toph, Aang, Zuko. Saving the world. That event is over.
Her stomach hurts.]
[Video, much much later:]
[She doesn't post to the network until she's home again. The room behind her, save her bed, is in complete disarray, and she gives a sort of wilting smile to the camera.]
That event was a real doozy, wasn't it?