Aug 23, 2011 01:51

[Katara has decided to shove the PCD beneath her bed for a few days - there's only so much feedback of herself smiling too-wide that she can handle - and spend some time outside. That was how she had ended up at the lake, sitting at the edge of it with her bare feet in the water. She was close to where Sonja had attacked (or where she had ( Read more... )

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angle_on_it August 23 2011, 06:57:18 UTC
[Funny enough, Sokka has lost his PCD, so it's likely a miracle they're able to catch up at all. After everything that had happened, Sokka wants to check up on his sister. He's heard rumors that something had happened, but without access to the network (or people willing to be straight with him,) he finds the urge to discover the answer for himself a little too strong.]

[He's not at all surprised to find her by the lake.]

Hey, Katara, isn't there supposed to be a big monster in that lake? Maybe you shouldn't throw rocks...


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 06:59:58 UTC
You mean Squid-tan?

[Katara isn't surprised to see Sokka. If he'd been looking for her - well, she spends a lot of time at the lake.

She smiles at her brother - she doesn't have a choice.]

We've had words. He's harmless.


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 07:04:21 UTC
[He eyes her, though does his best to keep it from looking like a judgmental expression as he takes a seat.] Harmless to you maybe. Anyway, what's up? I heard there was some trouble... [But she looks okay. In fact, Katara looks... almost too happy.]


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 15:11:26 UTC
There was, but things are fine now.

[Sob. She really, really wants to sigh right now, and she smiles over at her brother because she has no choice but to. With a little shrug, she leans pathetically against his side.]

I'm evented! It's - pretty interesting.


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 15:46:50 UTC
Oh yeah? [And now he's grinning like maybe he's evented. Buuuuut, he's not.] Bet "interesting" wasn't what you wanted to say there...


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 16:03:57 UTC
[She scrunches her nose at him.]

How'd you guess?


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 16:30:48 UTC
I have a natural talent, what can I say? [He chuckles and wraps his arms around his knees, gripping his own wrists.] So what happened? Are you going to tell me?


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 16:39:24 UTC
I got into some fights with some people who were doing very bad things.

[She holds her arms out, as if trying to show him that she's uninjured.]

Things turned out okay. One of them confused me a little, though.


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 16:46:57 UTC
[Despite her uninjured state, he frowns.] Did you start it? Was it anyone I know? Did you kick their butts? [Because, dammit, Katara can take care of herself, but that doesn't mean Sokka wants anyone picking on her.]


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 17:11:30 UTC
[Katara gives him a very cheerful look.]

She threw a flaming corpse at me.


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 17:27:28 UTC
Ew! [That does not sounds pleasant or appealing in any way. At all.]

[He fixes the water with a stern look as he rests his chin on his knees.] Stupid people and their stupid ideas of what's right and wrong. I don't get it. What's everyone got against you? First killed, now this? You're probably lucky you weren't killed... [Rabble rabble.]


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 17:29:31 UTC
[She reaches up, dropping her hand to the top of Sokka's head. It's meant to be a comforting gesture.]

I think she was being brainwashed. She got really confused halfway through it - she didn't remember.


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 17:49:29 UTC
[If it wasn't for past experience, he might be questioning the validity of Katara's observation, but the way people are hypnotized around Adstringendum, he's honestly surprised they haven't found someone with a gland -- it happens often enough to be a bodily function.]

[Sokka smiles tightly when he glances at Katara but doesn't elaborate on his thoughts.] Well, I'm glad you're okay. I've been meaning to catch up with you for a day or two now.


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 18:19:52 UTC
Things have just been really... weird. Especially with this event. I have to smile all the time!

[She looks back at him, and then manages to stick out her tongue - probably because it's not a malicious gesture.]


angle_on_it August 23 2011, 18:38:50 UTC
Yeeeah, it's kind of freaking me out. You just... can't stop? Like, physically can't stop smiling?

[And now he's reaching because he wants to test if he can physically make her frown. Please, Katara, stop him from pawing at your face: he probably hasn't washed his hands lately. :| ]


kyasdaughter August 23 2011, 18:50:01 UTC

[She can't help it-- she laughs, but swats his hand away.]

It'll be over in a week. I can stop smiling so much when I'm not around people. My cheeks are even starting to hurt.


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