Sep 11, 2007 11:18
I dreamt I was doing a LARP, but whatever we thought would happen did happen. Like we all had super powers, and my super power was to fly... and I actually flew. A lot happened in the dream and I don't remember it all... but at one point I got pregnant.... and my younger brother was playing a scientist (he is really good at chemisty) and in the game he was my brother in law. Any way, I got pregnant somehow... I think it was immaculate conception... and my baby was suppose to be evil. My brother in law invented a serum to cause the pregnancy to stop progressing while he figured out a way to abort the baby (I stayed at about 4 months pregnant), since it was impossible otherwise.
I had a thing going with this one guy, but he ended up marrying someone else. I don't know why, but I think it was my friend axiom from LJ. In a fit of jealousy I took a serum that made my pregnancy progress and... from something out of Angel I turned evil. I ruined his wedding and then took off and had my baby. Except while I was out... Oh and this just gets weird.... for the next 5 months or so I went searching for the guy who's sperm I heard could kill my baby (meaning I had sex with hundreds of guys.... forced them to.... some of them any way). I never found him.... so I gave birth.... to a beautiful bouncing baby boy... that I named Damien. Well, you know, since he's suppose to be evil. Oh, most people know if they have super powers because they're obvious usually. But a guy with killer sperm? Not really... I had to look everywhere.
I flew back to where my friends were... and apologized profusely. My brother in law had either disappeared or died at some point so he couldn't back up my story about my pregnancy making me evil. But somehow they believed me and forgave me.... and then I woke up.
Is that not fucked up or what?