Aug 17, 2011 19:21
Author's Note: A prologue to the story on post #011. Written in the boy's (Star's) POV. I'm gonna have fun writing him~ ^-^
Did you know? the world despises those who are different.
Some may look at you with eyes of awe, but most of the population will look at you with envy and disgust.
The world will trample you, if you are beautiful.
It will scatter you like fragile rose petals sucked into a roaring vortex that is inescapable if you are deemed "different" or "special."
It will not care if you are precious to someone else. They will not care if you are someone else's everything.
They will trample over you and rip you apart. Burn you in their flames of rage until not even ashes remain.
No, the world will not look kindly upon those who are "deviants." Being physically, thus out of their control, or mentally, labeled; "bizzare" and "unusual."
Peculiar and unlike any other.
"Divergent" from the plan.
A "rare" individual that is "atypical" and "something else."
Someone out of the ordinary.
Uncommon. Abnormal. Enigma.
I am the . . .
Outlandish. Queer.
Possessing "specialized" genes.
Where one could be pointed out anywhere, anytime.
I am [the] "original." I am "peculiar."
Unfamiliar and unnatural.
You are any "other" word out there.
I am "distict(ive)." Independent.
F r e e
I am a "solitary" being. Sole.
I am a...
"Nonstandard, odd, un-identical, irregular.
separate. From everyone else. Noticeable.
Being recognized the the "singular" as "I" instead of "we." the world.
This . . . is my L i f e.
But there is one thing "you" and "i" share.
And the world laughs and hates at the irony.
You and I are both "alone."
I am the "unexpected." I am "unpredictable."
I am the "discordant" in humanity. Reality.
I am "new."
I am the "stranger."
Who are "you"?
- - -
On another note I just realized that L o v e and L o s e are one letter apart. O.o Unsettling~