May 16, 2009 21:29


^___^ We has a kerianawilliams! Landlady officially approved her to the apartment ...

After the whole thing that was us hiding out at her place for a few days b/c we didn't feel like spending two days being yelled at for what horrible people we were that we didn't enjoy fighting and didn't want someone who believed swearing and belittling was a great way to deal with conflicts, and bringing things up months after the fact holding grudges and being upset at being taken out to dinner was somehow something we should be grateful for ...

Then her mother being a terror and her coming with us to hide out and ...
Well, there was "... I should go back sometime, but she's still a terror and this is so nice and comfy and your place is happy!", and "I'll go back tomorrow night"...
And Loch going "Keri, do you need a home? Momma, can we keep her?" XD
And it's wonderful to actually have a household where things really do feel more like "family" - where we get together for dinner, end up in the same room a lot of the time b/c we -want- to be around each other even when there's ability to disappear, damn near every time the two of them have days off we're out hiking or something - we end up staying up late playing rock band and marathoning things and she's SQUISHY and cuddly! And actually deals with things pretty much maturely and calmly, too.
(.... I don't think there really HAS been an argument in these few months. >_>; It took a while to get used to things actually being resolved calmly and peacefully.)

And we're having a mock-wedding for the three of us in June :D *See also, the April 1 Post which has snowballed*

I also got my application updated with TSA - crossing fingers for that, b/c that'd pay WELL and be full-time-benefits, plus near the apartment. Still talking to Best Buy, they have a stack of people they're calling back and are apparently hiring a LOT for the new store still/slow on that; tbh, even if both of those fall through, I'm also applying at Freds and even if it's something like cashiering, it's rent and food and getting leeway. It'll also be much easier now that Kat has a car and we don't have to worry about possible schedule clashes once I have a job.

Also, Mom's gotten past fretting about how maybe I should try to job-hunt from home with them (which, being overseas and on a military base, basically limits me to either trying for dual-citizenship and losing most of my income to local-taxes, or ... joining the military, which ... I thought about, but I don't want to do it because I -have nothing else-), and pretty much told me today "Freedom is important, we're behind you on this, find a job and be happy".

And now, we have pork tenderloin and rice! ^^

glee, roommates

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