I'm so very glad that Supernatural follows Smallville

Oct 11, 2007 22:16

Only a mini-Dean and panicking "Could I be a father?"!Dean could take the bad taste of "Fierce" out of my mouth.

Kara's attracted to Jimmy at first sight. When she could have Lex? Tell me the House of El really isn't that stupid. Jimmy's cute and all, but he's no where near heat vision worthy. And he belongs to Chloe. Unless they are going to give Chloe to Clark, they Kara cannot have Jimmy.

The "America's Next Top Model" wannabees. Please can you say pimping other shows?

Oooohh, Kara wants to be Miss Sweet Corn because Jimmy's attracted to the beauty queen type. Please tell me that someone in the El family had brains.

I wish Shelby had been a good dog and had attacked instead of merely barking at Lana. At least there was only a hug and no face sucking kiss.

Shades of Sean Kelvin. A freezing mutant.

Can we just dispense with Lana's excuses and kick the bitch to the curb? Or at least expose her for the life sucking meteor infested monster she is?

Clark's been protected all his life. Stupid boy.

"That might be an understatement." Okay, I'll give the writers a giggle for that line.

And what's with all the casual power use in front of Lana? Don't trust that pretty exterior, Kents!!!!!

Yes, Clark is uptight and you can blame it on BOTH of his fathers.

Shouldn't Clark have used a pumpkin when carving faces?


Yeah, watermelon was a better choice, but still out of season.

Agent Carter with Lex.

"Frozen beauty queen." Have I said how much I hate Grant Gabriel. Please someone buy the Planet and can that guy. Lex, please? For the paper's sake if not ours.

No, Clark doesn't understand girls. He's more interested in Lex. (He's just meteor mesmerized by Lana and stuck with a horrible production team that is intent on Clark's Creek and not the formative years of a Superman. A Justice Lord, maybe.)


Kara, Kara, Kara. Discretion. Of course you were seen. Someone always sees.

Lex with Lana at Clark's? Lex, where are your balls? Does Lana have them in the same jar as she keeps Whitney, Jason and Clark's?

I really didn't like the look on Lana's face when Lex expressed an interest in Kara. She only wants someone who seems interested in someone else.

Kryptonian symbol. What you want to bet... Sorry, I know it was a sucker bet. Kara is going to dig up the capsule.

Why would Kryptonians be interested in gold. It was worthless on Krypton.

How much do you think Lex held back about his research? After all, none of it can be reproduced without a phantom and the last of them is gone... wait no one is sure Bizarro is really gone.

Oh, stick it to Clark, Kara. He already knows that everyone he loves will die while he lives on.

GAGGGGGGG!!! I beg you, please get rid of Lana. I can't watch.

Jimmy going after meteor mutants. Poor Chloe. She's gotten the short end of the stick from the beginning. And if she does go crazy? I'll applaud her every vengeful move.

What is it with Kents lying to Lex? Just tell the man the truth. He already knows most of it. And he really would protect his friends, given half a chance and trust. I did love his "saviour or warning" line.

And Dean Cain as the villain next week.

"Does that make me Pokey?" *snerk*

spoiler, smallville, sv7

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