dolimir_k tagged me on this one.
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1. I can sleep almost anywhere. Just a few minutes to relax and I'm out. I don't even have to be trying to be horizontal or in a quiet space. I've often found that the easiest way to put myself to sleep is to pick up a pad and pen and start writing. What does that say for my writing if I put myself to sleep?
2. Wheat free Newman's O's may not be real Oreos, but they sure make good "Cookies and Cream" shakes, blizzards, etc. I was never so happy to find a product in my life. Except maybe good rice pasta.
3. I love vegetables. Especially the green ones. I even love the ones that I can't eat because they literally make me sick. I buy bags and bags of different frozen mixed vegetable blends for the freezer for quick one skillet meals with the meat of the day and rice.
4. Weekends are my time. I spend the weekdays at the beck and call of everyone else, on the weekends I want things on my terms, whether I decide to stay at home with the TV off and the computer on, go out with friends, or shop. Mostly, I like it quiet.
5. I seriously need full time maid service for my tiny one-bedroom apartment. I despise housework. I keep my kitchen clean and enough laundry done, but the rest of it reminds me of the before scenes on an episode of "Clean Sweep."
6. I watch cooking shows and rewrite the recipes, mostly for ingredients I can't use.
As for six people to tag? I really hate tagging memes, so I'll let you guys decide whether to do this one.