Mercyverse notes

Jul 31, 2005 16:37

While I've been cleaning up some of my JLU and Batman MPGs getting them ready to burn to DVD and remove from my harddrive, I've been remembering what I was thinking while I was writing some of the mercychrons.

I indicated that there was a traitor among the newer members of the JLU, but I never named who I suspected.

The funny thing about it is I always suspected that Captain Atom's loyalties were divided. I never really trusted that he would side with the JLU if the military recalled him. He was always my mole. I just never liked his attitude.

And then there was the issue of Batman. I never thought he got over distrusting Lex. Batman is just too psychotic to take Mercy's advice. I suspected that there was a connection between Amanda Waller and Batman. Interestingly enough, I involved Terry McGinness in that sub-plot.

One of the generals' name is Dunlevey. Perhaps he is Lucas' descendant and doesn't use the Luthor name? Perhaps this is the Lionel Luthor connection after all these years?

speculation, batman, mercyverse, jlu

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