Oct 13, 2004 19:37
Well...I found out yesterday that my grandma has Yellow Jaundice (sp?). It's caused when the liver shuts down and the body is unable to get rid of certain toxins, making ones skin turn yellow. There are several things that could cause such an illness. First, age. Major organs happen to not work that well when the body gets old enough. Second, cancer. It runs quite frequently through her family and could form in the liver. Third, and thankfully is the true cause, gall stones. They form from a secretion from the liver, by the gall bladder (thus the name) and when dislodged, can cause an infection, severe amounts of pain, or in my grandma's case, yellow jaundice. Once they locate the one that dislodged, the doctors shall go in and remove her gall bladder and the other stones in there to prevent it from happening again. She was happy to hear from me when I called. I kinda woke her up, but she said she wanted to get up to goto the bathroom anyways. I kept appologizing for having awakened her, but she didn't care...lol I was worried that it might be cancer yesterday, when i first found out about it. I really don't want to lose both of my grandmas to cancer...