Dec 06, 2004 08:31
I awoke this morning and went through my meditation and skin care regimes, and then off I headed into the kitchen, making a beeline for the coffee machine, until I spotted the little note I put on my refridgerator door the other morning. It is titled Kyan, You Can't Have That and beneath the heading is a list of things I am not allowed to eat or drink for at least two weeks. What's one of the first things on the list? Coffee.
So after I write this, I'm going to head out and down to find myself a health food restaurant open at this hour because I am thirsty and in desperate need of a tasty drink. I am too lazy this morning to bother to concoct a drink for myself. See, I'm on this detox diet which is basically meant to flush out all the nasty-nasty food I have been gorging myself on for the past few weeks. It's not my first time doing this, but I hated it last time until maybe the beginning of the second week, where I began to get used to it. I'm bound to hate it again this time.
I do have the little birdie over my shoulder by the name of Carson to keep me from snatching up a pint of ice cream or a glass of wine. I also have to act as his little birdie because for some insane reason, he wants to do the diet with me. It isn't an insane reason, come to think of it, because I know why he's doing it: because he loves me. Let's just see if he still loves me after the first couple of hours of this. There is a reason why I have not woken him up yet: the Great "Give Me My COFFEE!" Battle looms on the horizon. I'm hoping if I make it back in time before he wakes up, he'll settle for a different drink without too much fuss.
I was thinking this morning about how much better I feel waking up in the morning when Carson's there than when he is not. It's just a different feeling, a more pleasant feeling, to open my eyes and still feel him laying beside me, and to spend a few minutes listening to his breathing until the bleariness in my eyes fades. At night, it's easier to go to sleep, having him there like an extra comforting and cuddly pillow. Having these thoughts is making me consider some things. Actually, it's making me reconsider some things, because this morning is not the first time a certain idea has popped into my mind. I meditated on it this morning and I think I have come to a conclusion. Now it is just a matter of timing. For me to go ahead with this, I want the timing to be beautiful. I don't want it to be said in a hurry or a rush or have some other flaw with the situation. I want it to be right. The time will come. I'll know when it does.