Happy Halloween, except not here.

Oct 31, 2004 09:53

Why am I still up at 3:52 in the morning? Yeah, it's 3:52 AM here, on November 1st. The date changes still have my mind warping. I feel like I lost a day. I feel like I lost a couple of days, actually, because I've spent much of the past few days on Tylenol PM. Little bit of alcohol, too, but mostly the Tylenol. It's better to be unconscious than conscious on a plane, despite the fun of intoxication, I always say. Of course, I could have drank myself into unconsciousness, but the pill is better. Brings me right into that nice sleepy zone.

Halloween passed me by pretty uneventfully. I didn't even wear a costume unless you count those bunny ears Carson kept sticking on my head as a costume. I don't even know if they celebrate Halloween down here in New Zealand, to be honest. I haven't asked. The only person I know around here to ask anyway is Carson and he's not a New Zealand expert. Not even close. He still says that we're in Australia at times.

I talked to Trent once or twice during this week. We've passed that awkward "broken up but talking" stage and have moved into the friends stage. There's that potential to slide backwards, back to the awkwardness, and that's not to say that things still aren't awkward at times. At least he doesn't hate me, though, and at least I have no reason to feel guilty anymore. So that part of my life is wrapped up.

I better get some sleep. It feels weird typing that, knowing it's around the time that I would normally be getting up back home. Damned jet lag. Carson's guest of honor thing is tonight so I need to be awake and alert for that. I would imagine he'd be offended at his boyfriend falling asleep with his head on the table, not to mention embarrassed. I wonder if he's nervous about tonight, speaking of it. I haven't even asked him. I will when he wakes up. Off I go to join him in bed!
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