Mar 18, 2007 00:19
It's been such a week that I had to get it all down. In chronological order:
Our lease ended! We have been given 2 months to find a new place as the landlord wants to move back in to our place. We've spent about four years in our little Apricot Dream, it's a bit hard to imagine that one day (hopefully soon) we'll be living somewhere new. I'm not terribly disappointed, as I had been itching for a change for some time, but the timing seems to be really bad in terms of the rental market. It looks like we'll never be able to pay what we did for a nice place ever again. We've spent the last two Saturdays inspecting, and so far have only really seen squalors and dumps. But we have a couple of nice places with inspections coming up, so I'm hopeful.
Kelly's going away lunch before she moves to India. Goodbye Kelly! It will be so so sad when she's gone. We drove to Sanctuary Cove with Ai and had lunch at a seafood restaurant. A secret for my journal: I didn't think the seafood was that good! We had a very nice time though, after lunch we strolled along the "water front" (in inverted commas as the water is an artificial canal), when we heard the sweet tunes of Mysterious Girl. But no, not by Peter Andre, but by a group of 4 men who weren't doing too bad a job! So we couldn't resist going in, and they sang a few more songs, some quite well, others maybe not as well, but it was good fun nonetheless.
And then on Monday Laura had her baby! He's so lovely. I went to see him not too long after he was born, and I was excepting a little red turnip, but he was quite nice and normal looking. I've been to see him a few times, and he's been lovely.
The next day we had dinner at Sizzler with Annette and Stephen, because Annette is moving to Melbourne to be with her family. I haven't been to sizzler in a while, so it was a fun, bad novelty. Stephen is rude rude rude though. He hurried us through our meal more than the staff did, and it's a BUFFET for god's sakes!! We came back to our place for coffee, and Stephen hurried him and mum back home. How terrible.
The next day I went in to work for only half a day, as we had a few properties to inspect. So we headed over to Bulimba and had lunch. We were about to leave for our first property, only to get a call at the last minute from the realtor who rudely had to cancel. Fine! We say as we head home. When we arrived home, I noticed that the curtain was waiving in the wind, which was odd as the windows were closed. Then I noticed the broken glass on the floor, and realised that we had been broken into! The front sliding glass door was completely shattered and had a giant hole in it. The back door was also completely shattered, but it was still whole. It made these eerie little crackling noises like thin ice cracking beneath someone's weight in movie about cold. So we had the police come over, and the landlord come over, a crime scene investigator came and took fingerprints, and the glass repairmen came to replace the doors.
And what did they take? Not much at all really, even though they rummaged past my laptop, my camera, Adam's nintendo, the tv and dvd player. They did however, take my money box, which was filled with gold coins. Not silver, but gold gold gold. They also took Adam's money box (silver coins, not gold) and they emptied it into their little black robber knapsack. But because mine was in a cute little Hello Kitty tin, they took the tin with them. Boo hoo hoo. But I actually felt lucky after the whole ordeal as we got broken into and yet had nothing of real value taken and didn't have to pay for the damage. It was extremely bad timing though as we had two more properties booked to inspect. By then though a second realty had rudely cancelled us, so we were down to the last one. In my lowest moment, I called Joel and asked him to house-sit our broken house while we were out for the 20 minutes, and to his credit he didn't seem to mind doing it. そしてね、窓を直した二人の男は:オーマイガッド!
Since then things have become slightly more normal. I met another associate who works with Adam on Friday. Today after more house hunting, we visited Baby and then went out to dinner with some of Adam’s uni friends for dinner, which was quite nice.
Bookclub has been rolling along quite strongly, I’m impressed that everyone seems determined to keep it going, as I was sure it’s one of those things that sounds like a great idea until you get sick of doing it 5 minutes into it. Last month was Life of Pi, which I liked at the time, but now that I’ve finished it I feel it’s lost my respect. The preface says that it’s a story that will make me believe in God. Having read it now, I think it would barely manage to convince the most evangelical pentecostal Sunday church-going good Christian of believing in God, let alone me. Now we’re reading The Bride Stripped Bare, which is looking like a poor, shallow read. But I’m not far into it yet so I should wait and see.