Updated at GMT 7:12:13 am, Wed 20th Jan. The auction closes at noon EST. Don't wait until the last minute! :)
After the terrible news of the devastation in Haiti, here are a few places you can go to do something to help.
Oxfam Red Cross and you can text a donation via them as well, apparently.
Save the Children BRAC USA is working with local partners in Haiti, it is the largest non-profit in the developing world, launched in Bangladesh in 1972 and currently touches the lives of more than 110 million people through its programs addressing poverty including micro-loans, education, health services, self-employment opportunities and human rights education)
Médecins Sans Frontières has a 60 bed trauma centre in Port-au-Prince that was damaged by the quake and are working desperately to establish a capacity to respond to new patients.
Doctors Without Borders International Organisation for Migration UNICEF World Food Programme Care International Non-Believers giving Aid Fandomers/Ljers offering CSI fic/words.
tigerstriped86 ilovecsr 3pirouette nightshadow_t2 whiteraven1606 ru_salki99 misscam froxyn scullyseviltwin CSINut214 rurounihime mingsmommy yappichick Smacky30 microgirl8225 d_dangerlove erikssiren animagiblender AussiRayne geekgrrllurking happy_harper13 harlot2 myownmuggle kyaerie 10th_letter rispacooper spoonyriffic everybetty marcasite isnt_it_a_pity morganoconner zillahseye kosmickway losingntrnslatn callarose lemonjelly_ Inalichenmanner saxihighlandck et_muse alan_mcleod nufaciel Catniprules badmojo23 Communities offering services/auctions/awareness.
help_haiti I know those who are categorising Offerings are still catching up with the outpouring of offers, so if you know of anyone else participating from the CSI LV fandom, do let me know in the comments and I'll update.
♥ you all.