Jul 01, 2009 13:33
I was watching the Chief Fool on the news holding one of his idiotic town hall meetings today(which are all staged with carefully chosen people attending so that no dissent will be presented to make it appear that the whole "town hall" is united with the Fool, which the Fool's peasants were) ... my, my, my.
You people just eat these lies up don't you? 40 million uninsured? Umm, dirty secret, I-L-L-E-G-A-L...A-L-I-E-N-S are included in this number. Now every day this number changes and usually grows. Last I heard we had over 40 million illegal aliens in the country. However when referencing the 40 million uninsured I've heard a very few news agencies cite that this number does indeed include illegals, but only about 10 million. So I'm guessing that they're claiming the other 30 million illegals are somehow or other insured (some I'm sure already on the system thanks to anchor babies). A full half of those uninsured it's further revealed CHOOSE NOT TO BE INSURED and are in general young and in good health. So we're going to FORCE them to have insurance whether they want it or not and guess what, it's "free" cause we're all going to pay for it.
The Fool further goes on to extoll how grand this big lumbering government run healthcare is going to drive down costs. You know how? By simply not paying hospitals, Dr.'s, and drug commpanies. Medicaid reimburses 30% of every dollar billed and Medicare reimburses 60% of every dollar spent (hint hint for those of you from public schools, THAT's what drives up real costs for everyone, government interference via artificial manipulation of prices and reimbursement. Do you think just because the big loving government CHOOSES to get in health care and not pay the full bill once they're in it that that REAL COST that isn't paid simply goes away, no! It's passed on to those who DO pay their bill! Hence rising cost, hence rising premiums, thank you Uncle Sam...for nothing). And guess what, these programs ARE RUNNING OUT OF MONEY BECAUSE TOO MANY DAMN PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET ON THEM TO GET THEIR HEALTHCARE FOR "FREE!" So what's the governments solution to cover this overrun in cost for them? THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO... >>>>REDUCE<<<<... their already paltry reimbursement to Dr.'s and hospitals!
Doesn't anybody remember when all of the media was lambasting the VA Hospital system for the apparently atrocious care being given to our troops and our vets? THAT IS GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE! Don't all you little people remember how shocked and horrified you were then? Don't you remember how you all wanted to, as usual, string up the military leaders? THAT'S THE KIND OF CARE YOU NOW WANT?
My hospital and frankly all of them in the Metro area are in a hiring freeze. Our wages were just cut (to stave off firings) and all projects are on hold for expansion, renovation, and updating. This is also happening at Beaumont, DMC, Henry Ford, and Oakwood. The PRIMARY REASON given by our Directors to us for these cuts and freezes... higher and higher rates of patients coming to us on welfare, primarily Medicaid (thank you government healthcare), and fewer and fewer people coming to us with "good" private insurance such as HAP and Blue Cross.
That's why many primary Dr.'s are refusing to take new welfare pt's (be it Medicaid or Medicare), because the Dr... CAN'T PAY THE BILLS to keep their doors open. 13 years ago the Federal Government was worried about a glut of Dr.'s entering the field, especially primary Dr.'s. Internal governement agencies recommended during the Clinton years to the Health and Human Services Dept and the Dept of Education to incentivise Universities NOT to graduate Dr.'s, to draw out their education, so as not to have too many.
Fast-forward to today, there aren't enough Dr's, especially, primary Dr's. Why? Because you can't make a living at it. I'm not talking about getting rich as is the sterotype of Dr's, I'm talking about you can't operate your office because you aren't getting paid, because the government won't pay you what your costs are. Period. You think waiting a couple weeks and then on the day of, a couple hours, to get in to see your Dr. for 10 minutes is a pain and unreasonable... just wait until the government is the only one in town paying for care and watch as Dr.'s shudder their doors, lines grow, and waits expand. It WILL HAPPEN. The Dr's I work with are all talking about it, their friends (who are presumably Dr's) are talking about it, they are all promising it, they are ALL against more, bigger, wasteful, scare-tactic driven, uncompetitive, non-paying governement regulated and ran healthcare. NOT EVEN TO BEGIN touching the fraud, mismanagement, and abuse expense factors in the existing government run socialised systems (medicaid / medicare).
As an aside there's also increasing shortages of "critical" area Dr's in specialties such as cardiac and various surgical fields. The main indicator as to why is that liability and malpractice insurance (as well as baseless and never ending lawsuits being brought to bear by the likes of many mirror images to our politicians in Washington) is making it next to impossible in certain areas of the country to continue to practice and Dr's are leaving.
All of you kool-aid drinking liberals who think this is the best thing next to enriched-white sliced bread I hope you all have the opportunity to experience and frankly languish in this healthcare system as it is now and I PRAY you get to suffer under the universal healthcare (government ran) that you are begging for. I can only hope that I die (no remarks here please) relatively early and of a massive, unexpected, heart attack at 65 (having been happy and in good health seemingly) rather than languishing like the people I forsee on these coming lists just waiting to die.
And this "Private Option" garbage, give me a break. ANYTIME the government steps in and is paying for something that suddenly makes it "free" there is no other option. No private company can compete in business against billions and trillions of disposable (literally!) dollars that the government can bring to bear. There is no way to compete. It will all eventually, whether it be 5 years or 25 years, be government run, and the only option will be the public option.
All you "I"-this/that/the-other people who think this isn't going to affect you are fooling yourselves. Are you overweight? No cardiac operations for you or joint replacements. Why? Not worth it, too expensive for someone who obviously has no interest in taking care of themselves so no reason for the continually over-burdened "public option" to pay for it.
Over 65? Sorry, you've lived long enough, no cardiac surgery for you either, no bypass, no hip replacement for that slip and fall you've had.
Got cancer? Congrats, here's your number, please sit in line for your treatment, hope ya don't die before you can get it, and by the time you do get it, hope it's not too late, but if it is, oh well, you were running up a pretty big bill on the "public option" anyway and we've gotta try to contain these cost over-runs.
DO...NOT...BE... FOOLED. This is not scare tactics on my part. These are facts. These are real examples. These are verifiable. This is reality in Canada, Great Britian, Sweden, and the universal/big government/public option systems. Somehow, we look abroad and see the shambles that these other countries universal care systems are and we think that we're somehow going to make that work here when it isn't working ANYWHERE else. This is not a joke and you people are letting this FOOL get you all warm and tingly with his "I'm going to save THE PEOPLE, and I'm going to take care of THE PEOPLE" nonsense and you're ignoring reality and you're going to screw us all because of your two minutes of feel-good commie ideals.
No increase in taxes? FROM A POLITICIAN PROMISING A HUGE NEW 2 TRILLION DOLLAR (although he's lying and low-balling it to 1 trillion) governement run social program? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Let's hope the Chinese are ok with paying for this (through our borrowing) because WE CAN'T! The Fool himself has been on the TV saying that we are broke as a nation and that we have no money yet there seems to be no end in sight to what we're able to pour down the damn drain!