(no subject)

Feb 11, 2009 16:52

I am so sick of Congress and the media jumping up and down pretending they are shocked and appalled over the way money was managed by the companies that "couldn't be allowed to fail" who were handed hundreds of billions of dollars that was simply poured down the drain... now suddenly we want to know where the money went, how you spent it, and my god how dare you tell us you raised any of your interest rates! Damn you all!

First of all, you drove in your gas guzzling limo (even though we peasants are all supposed to drive matchbox cars) through a seemingly delapidated neighborhood that was the banking industry (primarily that way because you encouraged them to all but throw away money themselves by giving people loans who couldn't afford to pay them back in the interests of social justice)and you opened OUR wallets and started throwing money out of your limos moonroof.

Then you go back through the neighborhood and have the audacity to stop and demand that the bums who picked up the money give you a rundown of how they spent it and then you scold them when you don't like what they did with it? Please! Get off your undeserved high horse. If you gave a damn about where all the money you yanked out of the taxpayers hands and flushed down the toilet of the banking industry went you wouldn't have tossed it out so quickly and so freely. That's what happens when the big ol' loving government decides to come in and spread it's loving arms around the down and out and "fix things." A whole lot of money gets blown on no good thing, the situation doesn't get any better, and the people who you stole the money from in the first place are now worse off because of your feel good solution.

So just stop. Stop your prancing around on The Hill pretending you give a damn. Stop dragging banking CEO's up there (but forcing them to come up on rickshaws so they can see how the common man travels and can cut down on their B.S. carbon footprints and save the planet while they're getting their tongue lashings) so they can sit in front of your pious asses and listen to you drone on and on, asking dumb questions, trying to make them look like bad guys, in the hopes that you get a ten second spot on the evening news. Just stop. We all know you're not going to make them give the money back, you're not going to change how the money was spent, all you're doing is wasting the time of the Congress and more of the taxpayer's money by having your silly little hearings... all the while, still, accomplishing nothing.

Finally the interest rates... hello, they're banks! They make their money BY CHARGING INTEREST! Generally (though not always I know) people who have a higher risk of default get higher interest rates. Generally people who are late or over their credit limits or simply miss payments all together get PUNISHED by getting higher interest rates because they are HIGHER RISKS. So yes, the banks should, have, and will continue to decrease and increase interest rates based on these variables whether or not you like it or not.

As a side note...I wanna be like this crying woman I just saw on TV who was at Obama's little rally in Florida yesterday was saying she wants a car and a house and a new kitchen and Obama promised that he'd do what he can to help her... I'll be damned if the woman was not GIVEN a house today by somebody! Talk about entitlement and people from the President down addicting people to bailouts and entitlements... it was like he was Jesus and that woman was praying for him to heal her or something and boom out of nowhere a new house appears. Why the hell should anybody work for anything anymore? Why should anybody save for anything? Damn I'm gonna quit working and just follow the Messiah from rally to rally while he promotes his bailouts, free money, and the heralding of communism come to the land of the selfish and fooled and I'm gonna beg for myself a free house just because I want one and that'd help me. Jesus Christ what have we become? What have we become when we feel so entitled and self deserving simply because we live and breathe that we go up to the President of The United States of America and tell him that these pidly little bailouts aren't enough that what really will help is a new car and a new house and it falls in your lap! And people are going to applaud this! People are going to cheer that she prayed to the Messiah at the alter of big government and somebody (not Obama or the government mind you) but somebody just handed it to her. Bam. Free! It just appeared from nowhere! It cost no one, nothing (don't delude yourself on this one)! This administration and this government especially over the last 8 years (biggest expansion of welfare in 30 years under a Republican run Congress and Republican President called Medicare Part D anyone?) have just made people drunk with government spending and government welfare and the masses are getting hooked and we're wondering why we're in the economic mess we're in? And more, oh so much more, is promised and on it's way.
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