Apr 27, 2005 02:09
Hello, ok so Keith and Elise have been bugging me for over a year about this live journal bidness. And after an intense session of "beggery" from Elise I have given in.
It's hard to imagine exactly how interesting it could be to read people'e entries but I guess I shall find out. I enjoy writing about theories that I myself have come up with. I am the creator of such well known theories such as "eye flashing:my eyes are blue too GET OVER YOURSELF!" and "The scarred pet that is still scarred of you after living with you for 2 years straight what is the matter with you you worthless cat." You can look forward to such glorious theories in the days to come.
Anyway, the quickest summary I can give of my life right now is...in the "about me" part of my profile.
I watched "A series of unfortunate events" tonight and was semi-letdown even though I still liked it. It's the expectation/actual formula coming into effect there.
Have a nice day.