(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 08:08

*i don't really have anything worthwhile to say but i've started taking late night naps again so i'm wide awake. for those who are not aware of late night nap fiasco v.1 (which could potetially be everyone who didn't live with me last year, a.k.a. anyone who would read this) i somehow got in to habit of napping from 8-10:30ish & then i'd be crazy awake while everyone else was winding down. i'd try to force them to play with me, they'd throw things & yell & eventually i'd return to my room to bother mary. eventually, when i got tired of her meek sighs (as she was passive aggresive & she thought that would get her point across) i'd watch a movie & fall asleep. well, it's begun again, except for i don't have people to throw things & yell or mary to be passive aggressive so i cleaned my bathroom & swept the entire 2 sq. ft. of kitchen floor. i've selected a walk to remember for my movie tonight (last night it was empire records) but i was searching for classes before & couldn't give it my full attention (i've never seen it) so i'm going to finish with this & then begin the movie segment of my evening. and by evening i mean early early morning.

*like i said, i was searching for classes before. registration starts (for one katherine e. wood, as well as all loyoler undergrads with 37+ credits) at noon tomorrow. what i determined from my class excursion is i am a big dork. sure, we all knew that, but sometimes i get caught in my little dream world & think "hey, i'm not so nerdy." then i spend 2 hrs. searching for classes & getting totally geeked at the prospect of such fantastic learning & remember that i laugh out loud everytime my uncle john calls someone a 5 (figure it out...it's a science joke). so that's where i'm at right now. also, to elaborate on my dorkdom, it's entirely possible that i won't actually be attending these classes next semester, although that's an entirely different topic, but the prospect doesn't make me think "gee, what a waste of time." instead i think "too bad, those classes sounded like fun." scheduling is so disappointing though because at that point the classes are all utopian, you get to enjoy the prospect of learning while forgetting about the actual work.

*ok, a walk to remember time. i hear it's a crier & i'm prepared. i hope everyone has a fantastic today. i plan to, as i only have one class, then i'll go to lunch with han (we will eat only foods that start with O or C), putz around until lucy comes over with fresh OC game rules & bevs in hand (or bag more likely), watch OC/play said OC game & celebrate lucy's birthday until it is time to board an el to board a train and end up in (dearborn, then eventually) P-MOUTH!
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