Aug 05, 2009 16:04

Oh my goodness.  Oh my goodness gracious.

I spent the majority of the book wincing at how inhuman Nick kept acting, at Alan's lies, and at Mae's romantic potterings.  Jamie was all love.  By the end of the book, namely around the part in which Nick learns that he is a demon, my squee levels flew to the roof.
Alan is beyond awesome.
Mae is hard-core big sister material.
Jamie is adorable, funny, sweet, and sincere.

And Nick!  I spent so long thinking Oh, Sarah, watch out; you're making him too inhuman, and then he was, of course, not human.  The clues had been there, but I was too busy either giggling over the character's more humorous lines or wishing Sarah hadn't made her protagonist so...unique...to notice the dyslexic seasick nonlying parts.

Then I found a lovely related picture, which I'm including because it truly is lovely. 

in the end, white and nerdy

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