I'm silly. I've decided that I don't want to pay for parking if I can help it, so I'm going to be riding my bike to work and/or walking. I mean, 2% of my pay going to parking?! Only 4% (or is it 3?) is being contributed to my retirement! Sheesh!
We'll see how long this idea lasts! Probably til snow. Yes, sorry Lizzy, I am that fat chick in the spandex bike clothes... although I happen to like my most recently acquired black/pink bike
Today is day 8 in a row of riding to work. The hills are starting to get a little bit easier. (Anyone who says DE is flat, come, let me show you my commute....) It's about 4 miles each way, which takes me about 20 minutes. Almost the same as the amount of time it took to drive, except I'm a lot sweatier when I get there.
Today I rode my bike an extra few miles and got to try out my basket and cargo net - birthday in the office tomorrow and it's my turn to provide cake, so I rode to the store and then had an ice cream cake strapped to the back of my bike. xD And of course lost the chain before I got back to the office. At least I was only two blocks away. I think the ice cream is still mostly cake-shaped. :)
Dad rescued me. I could have walked it down to the BikeLine, I guess, but I opted for the lazy way out. xD I had cheese and steak in my bag, so hanging outside for another hour wasn't the best option at the time. Speaking of, it must be dinner time. So many tomatoes and basil leaves just waiting to be caprese.... mmmmmm.
In most recent nonfiction(ish) reading I've been learning about this thing called the "Primal Blueprint" and/or "Paleo Diet". I've been fascinated since college about what I should feed myself, especially after I took that nutrition class, posted about something here and got lots of contrary responses! This Mark's Daily Apple website is interesting stuff. I've been trying to not eat grains and eat more fruits/veg/protein instead, and have lost 15lbs since June. I've also come to the conclusion that cream gives me tummyaches. Which is sad, but also helping me avoid the ice cream Dad's eating. :)