Worth a rare lj entry?

Nov 29, 2003 13:08

So I'm at work, as I always am on Saturdays. And I'm not really doing work, as I always am on Saturdays. Well see, if I start doing work I'll have to face up to the fact that even thought I was this close to catching up completely in the morning, right before everyone went to lunch (and right after I got back from lunch) I got another THIS many cases to do. sigh.

Anyway, I just wanted to applaud Paci (http://www.livejournal.com/users/thirdi85/92841.html and http://www.livejournal.com/users/thirdi85/91919.html) and Joe Hall (for tracing the ip) and all the others going against rhesus, whoever he or she may be. It was rather entertaining last night to come up with all the ways to shoot him down, picking apart his comments. And yeah, it's dumb.

I don't have anything to look forward to today, is all. sigh.
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