[meme] Please distract me from my mind

Mar 29, 2013 13:26

I should be doing so many things. Watch me avoid all of them because I'm depressed anxious too antsy to focus on anything substantial right now. I foresee a night of knitting and SUFBB/tVD and cereal ( Read more... )

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The New Watcher (pt 2) kwritten April 2 2013, 03:07:54 UTC
But what shocked Jia were the matching puncture wounds on both forearms, just below the inside of her elbows. Two sets of identical scars from vampire fangs. She set down the beers on the chair to her right and then took the older woman's arms in her hands, tracing the scars with her fingers delicately.

The goosebumps that rose on the woman's skin made Jia shiver just slightly.

"How?" the word was strangled, caught, a whisper and a sob, she was pleading and didn't dare hide her need.

"My parents disappeared for days at a time when I was young. Once, when I was twelve, they came home famished and strange. Not hungover like usual. Manic. Happy. Delirious. They started to pet me like they hadn’t ever… not once had I ever received even a simple hug from my mother until that day. They drank from me and all I could think was that I hoped this meant they finally needed me. They finally wanted me around.”

Jia swallowed and dropped her hands from the woman’s arms, hugging herself, pushing herself back into the chair. She didn’t want to hear the rest. She wasn’t ready for the rest.

The woman’s eyes seemed to glow with unshed tears as she looked down at her scars, “And then I realized that it wasn’t enough. I grabbed the lighter out of my father’s pocket and set his hair on fire. And then I ran. They said in the newspapers that it was a gas leak. A tragedy. Knowing what I know now about dusting vamps.” She shook her head and reached over Jia’s legs to grab one of the beers off the ground, taking a swig, shaking her head slightly as if to release the memory.

“It shouldn’t have been possible,” Jia whispered.

“No. It shouldn’t.” The woman paused for a moment, considering, then directed her steely gaze on Jia again. “Fuck them. They were shit parents and they made stupid vamps.”

Jia wasn’t sure if she should laugh. But she did anyway. She maybe was a bit hysterical, she didn’t care. She heard the woman’s laughter join hers, mingling in, their tones low, understanding and flowing around each other.

When the laughter dissipated and they were once again drinking in silence - though now Jia’s right knee banged up against the Watcher’s and she didn’t shrink from the other’s gaze, didn’t look away sullenly. Even though she felt more raw and exposed now than she had at the beginning of the conversation; but less like she was a freak on display.

“They found … well. He found me, you know?”

Jia stared. Not possible. Not even possible.

The woman smiled. “He found me outside the house just before it went up into flames, he was doing field work and had followed them. He raised me - even though I kept running away, I was stubborn. I wasn’t used to rules or a - a bed, even. He kept the door open, food in the cupboard. Until I was ready to learn his trade. I hunted alone, he followed me and protected me until I could hold out. He sent me to England when I was sixteen. The youngest trainee to be accepted to the Watcher’s Academy,” she smiled to herself. “I raised quite a stir.”
Jia smiled back. She didn’t doubt it.

The woman’s voice grew lower as she leaned a little more heavy on the back of the chair, angling closer towards Jia. "He let me rename myself, reinvent myself. I wasn’t the neglected, uneducated village child of drug addicts if I didn’t want to be. He let me be Miryo. No…” She mused and Jia had to lean forward to catch the words. “I was Miryo because I chose to be. He could not have disallowed anything.”

Jia cleared her throat, “So… does this mean we’re… like sisters or something?”

Miryo grabbed her chin with her hands and held her tight, Jia’s breath hitched, “I really wish you wouldn’t… think of me that way.”


Re: The New Watcher (pt 2) vergoldung April 2 2013, 04:34:09 UTC
all the tears

oh kelsey


Re: The New Watcher (pt 2) kwritten April 3 2013, 16:21:34 UTC


Re: The New Watcher (pt 2) penny_lane_42 April 2 2013, 13:27:31 UTC
OH GOD. So much pain, but they've found each other now. THIS IS AMAZING KELSEY. I LOVE YOU SO HARD.


Re: The New Watcher (pt 2) kwritten April 2 2013, 21:58:17 UTC
So much pain. I was NOT expecting so much!!! badass!Miryo, for sure - - - but then I started thinking about how delicate she actually is, how fierce but how... Miryo ... and then this happened.

Also: "then they banged. the end." didn't seem appropriate. But there's my head-canon for your eyes.

I'm so glad you liked it!



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