[fic] emotional blackmail. your move. (1/3?)

Mar 22, 2013 00:40

title: that gangbang fic with a kittensoo
fandom: RPF Infinite
characters: ot7 (wooyeol, hojongsoo)
word count: ~2200
summary: everyone wants Dongwoo. crack UST, cat-play, dom/sub, naptime, gyu being squishy
disclaimer: if you are not a member of the kpop alphabet gang, you should run away
a/n: been having a weird week. also this is pure emotional blackmail for Eleonore and Lauren. Your move.

[This is such a joke, it's serious]Hoya leaned back with satisfaction as Myungsoo licked around his pecs, teasing his nipples into hard points through the simple act of ignoring them.

He dragged his gaze from where Myungsoo's dark head bobbed across his chest and looked up at Sungjong across the room, one hand stroking Myungsoo's bare, sleek back while the other held onto the collar at the younger boy's neck, keeping a steady, but gentle pressure, on his throat. Sungjong was reading a fashion magazine serenely, his legs crossed, not looking up.

As Myungsoo continued his ministrations, Hoya wondered at Sungjong's complete inattention. It was one of Myungsoo's favorite games, to clean Hoya's sweaty body after a hard workout. And usually Sungjong enjoyed it as well, always watching and laughing along with Hoya as Myungsoo tickled him and purred with content.

It had been Sungjong who had dragged Hoya out of bed at 4am that morning and sent him off to the gym in the first place.

“Darling?” Hoya hedged.

Sungjong raised his eyes up to look over at him. There was something in his eyes that worried the older man. He shifted, nearly knocking Myungsoo off his lap.

“That’s enough,” Sungjong waved his hands at the pair and went back to his magazine.

Hoya sighed and pulled Myungsoo by the collar to face him; planting a soft kiss on his nose and saying, “Okay kitten, you heard the boss. That’s all for now.”

Myungsoo blinked at him in confusion, reaching his hands up to his neck when Hoya gently unhooked the collar, then scrambling to his clothes discarded in the corner.

Hoya watched Sungjong, waiting. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, after a cleaning, Sungjong would pet Myungsoo softly and then send him off. He liked working Hoya back into a sweat just after Myungsoo had worked so hard to get him clean.

Sungjong barely raised his eyes to meet Hoya’s, instead grabbing a towel from the stack of laundry beside him and flicking it, hard, at the obvious bulge in Hoya’s sweats as he said disdainfully, “Go shower.” He looked over at Myungsoo. “Both of you.”

Hoya stood and started walking towards the door, disappointed, but … after all it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Sungjong had been in a mood for the better part of a week, ignoring Myungsoo and taunting Hoya.

“Wait,” Sungjong beckoned Hoya back over. After staring up at him for a moment, Sungjong stretched out the waistband on Hoya’s sweats and boxers, lifting up his erection roughly, pushing it against his stomach, snapping the waistbands over it with a snap. “Take care of that... if you must.”

Hoya limped to the door and ushered Myungsoo silently into the bathroom. As he, chastely but affectionately, soaped down and rinsed off Myungsoo, Hoya tried not to think about Sungjong’s odd mood. In the past, Sungjong had made sport of sending Hoya out into the dorm with an obvious erection, refusing to let him hide it from the others. It was a source of pride - a sign of Sungjong’s possession of him, of what Hoya could give him that the others couldn’t.

Hoya spanked Myungsoo softly and sent him out of the shower, turning the dial all the way to cold and let the water wash away his thoughts and heat.

He wasn’t about to find what would happen if he actually “took care of that” himself on a day like today.

* * * * * *

Sungyeol leaned his head against the wall and sighed when he heard the soft patter of Myungsoo leaving the bathroom and the unmistakable lurch in the pipes as Hoya turned the hot water off.

Frustrated, he shoved Woohyun away and bent to put his pants back on.

Woohyun swayed back to perch on his heels, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, “Is everything okay?”

Sungyeol looked down at him and shrugged. “You were fine of course I just...”

It didn’t make sense, he knew - five minutes ago he had thrown the door open and demanded attention. Within seconds, Woohyun had him pressed against the wall and in short order had Sungyeol’s swollen cock between his perfect lips.

It was just as hot as always.


Sungyeol pulled Woohyun up and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry, I’m just... not feeling it today, okay?”

“Sure.” Woohyun wandered over to his bed and flopped down on it, staring at the ceiling. “You’ve just seemed... off lately.”

Sungyeol tried not to wince at the wistful tone in the other man’s voice. He hesitated for a moment, then curled up on the bed, his head on Woohyun’s chest. “I’m tired I guess.”

Woohyun nodded and stroked Sungyeol’s hair absently, “We’re all tired.”

Only that wasn’t all.

And they both knew it.

* * * * * *

Something weird was going on in the new apartment.

Everyone was on edge.

And it seemed to Dongwoo as if Sungjong and Sungyeol were paying him a bit more attention than usual. One of them always seemed to be underfoot, their eyes questioning and a little hungry. But also somehow more distant than usual, more calculating. Sizing him up.

Meanwhile everyone else was a mess.

Myungsoo seemed stuck in permanent cat mode, which didn’t do anyone much good. Earlier that day Dongwoo literally had to pry him off his leg in order to use the bathroom.

Hoya was looking a little ragged around the edges. Still put together enough so that the rest of the world wouldn’t be able to tell.

And Woohyun was spending so much time at the gym, Dongwoo had started to worry that he had given up on sleeping all together.

All of which really didn’t matter to Dongwoo. He was just horny.

And Sunggyu was avoiding him.

It didn’t help that he lived with six distractingly attractive people.

Sleeping helped. If he just kept napping at every opportunity, there was no time to imagine Hoya’s lips on his, the feel of Sungyeol’s hair beneath his fingertips, the sound of Woohyun’s breath being caught in his throat as Sunggyu …


* * * * * * *

Sunggyu had been hiding out at the office with the managers. Telling everyone that he was working on their schedules. Or his next album. Or getting a drama. Anything. Any excuse he could come up with to not be at home.

And this was why.

Because the second he walked in the door, six heads flipped towards him and they all seemed to be on the verge of asking him a question he didn’t have the answer to.


He wouldn’t be the one to break first.

If they wanted something, they’d have to get it themselves.

He went to his room without a word.

He fought the urge to go to the door when he heard Dongwoo’s plaintive call on the other side.

He woke up with Myungsoo’s limbs wrapped around him.

He woke up hard.

There was no shortage of hot water anymore.

* * * * * * *

Woohyun and Hoya had begun to wrestle rather aggressively.

It was hard to say who was enjoying the spectacle more, Sungjong from his perch across the room, Sungyeol sitting serenely on the couch, or Dongwoo as he comforted a worried Myungsoo.

It started just with the two of them trying to outdo each other at the gym. Neither would break first. Once, Sungjong had to demand Hoya return when it got too late. They came home to a screaming fit of a Sunggyu. And when Dongwoo reached towards them, they brushed him off with the frustration that seemed to roll off their shoulders in waves lately.

Somehow or another, they began wrestling at any opportunity. In the living room. In the hallway. Once on Sungjong’s bed.

He was only mildly amused.

They never did that again.

And no one stopped them because it was far too entertaining for those paying attention.

Sunggyu was so frustrated with everyone, Dongwoo would have bet he didn’t even know that Hoya and Woohyun were always sweaty and out of breath when he walked in the door.

He noticed.

* * * * * * *

If only Sunggyu would do something, Dongwoo thought.

He began to believe that everyone was waiting for Sunggyu to just say it was okay or make the first move or something.

Meanwhile Dongwoo hadn’t had a hot shower in nearly a month. He didn’t really guess anyone had.

Maybe Myungsoo.

Who had in recent weeks seemed to have lost the ability to speak real words. Often seen sitting on the floor at Hoya’s feet and amusing himself with staring at the carpet. Or the air.

It was getting a little spooky.

Sungyeol and Sungjong seemed to be enjoying every moment of it, growing hungrier by the day.

And teasing Dongwoo to distraction.

Really, there was no good reason for Sungjong to be tickling his ear with feathers all the time.

Where did the feathers come from anyway?

And it seemed like everywhere he moved, there were Sungyeol’s limbs and limbs and limbs. Everywhere.

It would be claustrophobic if it wasn’t so relaxing to have someone, other than Myungsoo, comfortable touching him. Everyone was treating him like he was breakable or something.

While Sungyeol and Sungjong teased and tickled him; Hoya and Woohyun’s wrestling matches grew more reckless; Sunggyu just threw himself harder into work, pretending not to see everyone crumbling around him.

And Dongwoo grew desperate.

If only Sunggyu would just do something so they could all get it out of their systems and … and … and ...


* * * * * *

Sunggyu was going crazy.

Every time he came home from work it was like stepping into an orgy of unrequited lust.

And they thought he didn’t notice.

It only made him sink further into work. He couldn’t handle the shadows under Hoya and Woohyun’s eyes, the way Myungsoo seemed to have completely slipped off the deep end, the raw hunger in Sungyeol and Sungjong’s eyes.

Mostly it was Dongwoo desperately pleading.

It wasn’t as if Dongwoo hadn’t come to him for release, for comfort, before.

And he didn’t hate it.

But what was he supposed to do exactly, walk into the living room and announce: “Listen up, we all want to gangbang Dongwoo silly. So let’s just get it over with.”

Probably wouldn't go over very well.

Probably it would.

Anyway, he wouldn't.

Mostly because just imagining the look of satisfaction on Sungjong’s face as he watched Hoya and Woohyun suck off Dongwoo simultaneously sent him running for a long, cold shower.

Just about every scenario had run through his head. No matter how much he avoided the apartment, it was still there. Each left him slightly shaky and a little breathless.

And Dongwoo would just love it, too.

Knowing what they were thinking, having all of them at once.

Sunggyu would not break first.

* * * * * * *

“This is getting ridiculous.”

Hoya peeked around the punching bag and gawked at Woohyun as he unwrapped his hands and pulled his sweatshirt back on. They had only started their workout an hour previously, after an hour of cardio. Usually Woohyun didn’t give up this quickly. And Hoya had been sincerely looking forward to laying into the punching bag himself.

“What is?”

Woohyun quirked an eyebrow up at him.

“Right.” Hoya let go of the bag and slumped up against a bench.

They sat there brooding for a moment, going back to the apartment right now - so soon, back to that space that was humming with pent-up energy … it was easier to just sit still for a moment.

Woohyun perked up, “We could...?”

Hoya shook his head, “I don’t think that’d work.”

Woohyun nodded seriously.

Hoya wasn’t really sure what Woohyun’s relationship with Sungyeol was like, but he was pretty sure that Sungjong would not take kindly to Hoya taking matters into his own hands.

And even if he could take it, Hoya was starting to get seriously worried about Myungsoo.

Woohyun wasn’t really sure what Sungyeol and Sungjong were waiting for, but if they didn’t make their minds up soon - one of those wrestling matches was going to end with a slipped hand and a whole lot of mess.

He couldn’t take much more of this.

* * * * * *

Hoya and Woohyun got home from the gym right on the heels of Sunggyu, who was stopped right in the middle of the doorway, staring into the living room. He hushed them when they entered.

Dongwoo was fast asleep in the middle of the living room.

And he was all alone.

Woohyun was done.

It was time.

To hell with waiting for Sungyeol to give him permission.

To hell with waiting for Sunggyu to pull his head out of his ass and fix it.

Damnit, he was second in command, wasn't he?

When he turned to the other two, he was practically sparkling. He put his finger to his lips and beckoned them into the living room.

They circled Dongwoo like a pack of hungry animals about to pounce on their first meal in months.

Which felt rather apt to Sunggyu.

As if he was lying in wait, Sungyeol appeared and immediately fell in-step with them.

Woohyun crouched behind Dongwoo’s head, gesturing Sunggyu to his left, Sungyeol to his left, and Hoya knelt at his feet. Woohyun grabbed Sungyeol’s hand and kissed it quickly. Yeollie just gave him a bright smile.

And then his hand was over Dongwoo’s mouth and he was pulling the smaller man up against his chest, waking him instantly. Sunggyu and Sungyeol fought Dongwoo’s arms down as Hoya pried his legs apart.

His pants were half down when Sungjong walked in.

Even Dongwoo stopped moving (struggling) to look up at the maknae.

Sungjong very slowly pulled the great chair a few feet over in front of them and sat down calmly, crossing one leg over the other.

They all just stared at him.

He  winked back and called over his shoulder, “Kitten? It’s time.”

[edit]  Dear Reader,
I did this out of love and it may possibly be the most ridiculous thing I have ever done. And I fear I have broken some of the members of the kpop alphabet gang. For which I am eternally sorry. Possibly you should save yourself and NOT read this. It is in your best interest.
Sincerely Me

[part two]

iz shipper, kpop: infinite, what is my life?, flist hearts, fic happens here, kpop: the alphabet gang, wanna build a snowman, fic: infinite, fic composed on a phone, fic: porn

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