Love Resolution Is Live

Jan 04, 2013 20:36

Firstly, happiest of all happy birthdays to the shiniest of all penny_lane_42 - I hope the day was magical!

Secondly, I am a shameless pimp and am coming back for another round of:: COME JOIN US!!!

Clicky-clicky on banner and come join the love fest!

In other news, I am still quite somewhat sick and my lj-inbox / lurking-to-do-list is a little overwhelming. So it might take me some time to catch up. 
[My to-do list ... and a NEW YET FLAWLESS SHIP ]

What I want to do::
+ Lost-meta
+ Dawnie/free-will meta
+ Dawnie-noona fic
+ D/Elena mobster fic (yes, I haven't forgotten that)
+ all the fic I have promised
+ Fei + Wooyun slay a dragon fic
+ anything else I have promised ****
+ my winter_of_faith piece

**** possibly someone should remind me

What I will end up doing::
+ spacing out to the episode of Lost for tmw
+ mainlining more of Boy Meets World and emoting all over the place
+ ignoring 90% of my inbox/flist (out of love so that you don't get addle-brained responses through my sick haze that make no sense)

+ trolling tumblr and lol'ing at Minji/G-Dragon shippers ... because it was only a matter of time before I found this flawless ship and got on board...  because the adorkable fans think these two babies are bad ass AND WHAT EVEN THESE CHILDREN ARE PRECIOUS LITTLE BABIES AND HAVE NEVER BEEN BAD ASS IN THEIR LIVES JUST LOOK:::


i am a baby dragon, iz shipper, flist hearts, trolls'r'us, love exchange, kpop: ruins lives

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