This is a post for Lauren, Jamie, and Eleonore

Dec 09, 2012 22:34

Nam Woohyun. You could slay a dragon with your heart.
Ladies- I've been littering Lauren's comments with icons right and left, I figured it would help my sanity (and would just wound our hearts the most) if they were all in one place.


[Herein lies all Woo-Slayer/Yeol-Dragon icons to date]









To go under column: Things I probably should never have said.

Also - can we have a conversation about the beauty that is Lee Sungyeol's neck? Because I think it might be perfect.

A note to the rest of my flist:: I had a bummer weekend and am only interested in pretty pictures. Please forgive me if I promised you something or have been distant in the last couple of days - I promise to be more attentive in the next week. If I missed something lovely - please let me know!

kpop: infinite, dragon: fire, dragon gold: icons, kpop: infinite shipping, kpop: ruins lives, my biases are questionable

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