I'm the worst - and some pictures

Dec 03, 2012 23:29

I'm the worst at deadlines.
Also our Vampire Diaries ladies are evil lovely and refuse to be constrained to a decent word count.
Therefore, Marta, you will have epic Bonnie love tomorrow evening (for me - for you it will be tomorrow morning... timezones are weird)!

In the meantime, I had ~feelz about my ladies and their inner darkness. So I whipped these banners up!!

I just love these ladies. I meant to do one of these for Caroline Forbes and Taylor Townsend as well, but I actually do need sleep in order to live.


In order to spread the love: tell me about your favorite ~dark lady!!

And in response, I will answer any personal question you have (within reason)!

flist hearts, love the unloved ladies, gg: blair is her own fandom, btvs is flawed, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, meme?

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