Episode Reflection: tVD 4.1

Oct 13, 2012 16:41

So I haven't gone through to read everyone else's reactions yet, so this is all-Kelsey. Basically, this is an all-Elena STAN post.

[I love Elena more than most things... so be prepared for me to STAN the hell out of everything she's ever done]++ Well OF COURSE Damon blames Matt and spends the whole episode beating up on him. How else was he going to react? And OF COURSE Matt thinks that he deserves it. Because these BOYS! Omg these boys. Such self-Read more... )

long list of spirit animals, iz shipper, gold glitter tears, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, dixie: lemon is love, reaction post

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Comments 9

fluffyfrolicker October 13 2012, 23:52:38 UTC
bless you for finding good things in the OT3 dynamic. i mean, i was ok with it. but it didn't feel like we got to see anything new? but I LOVE your explanation. makes a lot of sense :)

The flashback!reveal of Damon's "selfish" speach was epic and beautiful.

also also also what me and other people are thinking about which is INCREDIBLY CREEPY AND AWFUL is, are we now supposed to believe THAT is how caroline remembered all the things she was compelled to forget? because that's completely terrifying.

Rebekah was my queen <3


kwritten October 14 2012, 00:04:23 UTC
Well... I guess I just didn't have my hopes up that we WOULD see anything new? Maybe in a little while, but this "Elena died" is so very much a re-hash of S1 that it only seemed right that it would play out the way it did.

because that's completely terrifying.

LOLOL Apparently I find creepy/awful and terrifying epic and beautiful. Because I totally see this - but now I'm like: woah. Pretty.

Rebekah was my queen <3

Rebekah is gorgeous.


fluffyfrolicker October 14 2012, 09:59:21 UTC
I'm hoping something happens very soon (like in the first five minutes of the next episode) to change the OT3 dynamic. I need progress :)



kwritten October 14 2012, 20:19:20 UTC
I'm hoping something happens soon-ish. But I have hopes for the "mid-season finale" at the very least.



upupa_epops October 13 2012, 23:52:57 UTC
You are a flawless human!

I basically spent the episode flailing about ALL THINGS ELENA. Because, OMG, ALL THINGS ELENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... )


kwritten October 14 2012, 00:05:19 UTC



ever_neutral October 14 2012, 00:41:12 UTC
And what cracks me up the most - is that when Damon is beating up on himself Matt I get a little happy, because I like to watch Damon beat on himself other people.

LOL OMG SAME. And bless your Matt apathy. I keep seeing all this defending and protectiveness of him, and I'm just like - YOU GUYS. IT'S MATT. LIKE.

And OF COURSE she just uses Damon's feelings against him - him wanting her to be alive is selfish because it isn't what she wants. And what she needs is for him to be selfish, so that she can be with Stefan and feel better about the fact that she doesn't want to be alive.

Ughhhhhhh yes yes yes to all of this. tbh I could barely take Elena's characterisation around Stefan because WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER, but the way you've put it is so right and true to her. BUT HONEY. KICK THAT BLOCK OF CARDBOARD OUT OF YOUR NARRATIVE SOON, OKAY. OKAY?

BECAUSE ELENA WANTED TO DIE. AGAIN.WORD. After the finale I kept seeing so much talk of how Elena's actions didn't make sense because she's "selfless, not suicidal" and was so ( ... )


kwritten October 14 2012, 01:16:51 UTC
And bless your Matt apathy. I keep seeing all this defending and protectiveness of him, and I'm just like - YOU GUYS. IT'S MATT. LIKE.

Matt is so status-quo and blaming and shaming of these LOVELY LADIES and it just pisses me off. It's not even apathy - I really just delight in his man!pain because OMG FOR SERIOUS? Could you be more of an ass? (whoops - then Stefan proves that you can)

tbh I could barely take Elena's characterisation around Stefan because WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER, but the way you've put it is so right and true to her.

It's hard because... Because it would be so much more lovely if Elena could just kick Stefan out - but it just won't happen right away.

because how could you all not see that she has NEVER been able to kick her depression??? Because people IGNORE mental illnesses ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

kwritten October 14 2012, 22:56:56 UTC

And I agree with everything and all of your wonderful words.

the ultimate punishment. If she dies...the guilt will stop

/nods - not only that, but she'll be DONE. The guilt will end because she will end. It's the ultimate release.

(I love the parallel between Stefan = life vs. Damon = death ... because it always makes me think of "le petite morte" and then I giggle.

What kills me about StElena is how damned abusive it is - she's on the short end of the stick. Choosing between StElena and DElena (as a fan) is really about choosing between two similar forms of masochism: how do we want to feel pain today?

Elena's just one big ball of guilt. Guilt is not a nice emotion. || It can lead to self-hatred and massive moping. And a great deal of this guilt is not deserved.Well - Elena has always been depressed. As in clinically depressed. As in: the writers have put Buffy S6 to shame with their devotion to their protagonist suffering from a mental illness as her friends ignore it (see: Caroline's line... no one can ( ... )


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