Done. And Done.

Oct 10, 2012 00:31

It's only just after midnight and I think my tvd_bigbang is finally, finally done!!!

Well - the writing part of it. I'm adding in some poetry excerpts between chapters (BECAUSE OF THE PRETTY) and also needs to be looked over (so if you're feeling generous and want to beta - I'd really appreciate it) ... and I'm worried that I rushed the ending... but it's only supposed to be 10,000 words... so I needed to halt it somewhere. I'm pretty proud of the idea, even if the execution may be a little rocky.

Yeay me.

*pats back*

Also - THIS pretty much defines my Reality right now. #no shame

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lj has a tag, gold glitter tears, fic: tvd, fic happens here, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, fic: bigbang

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