SLAYAGE NOTES - Day One, Part Two & Day Two, Keynote

Sep 11, 2012 09:42

Slayage Notes

Day One - Part Two

The Intertextual Whedonverse

Casey McCormick - “Paratexts Across the Whedonverse & the Disbursal of Narrative Signification”

·         Buffy first to have interactive presence on internet

o    Fanvid: “The Whedonverse This is War” <- interconnected nature of narrative

·         Paratext: any instance of narrative interaction/discourse

o    What we are doing right now!

§  Illuminate, complicate

·         Whedonverse its own paratext within a network of paratexts

o    Everything is both text and paratext

·         Paratext signification- Commentary the Musical

I am not going to lie - Kelpy has a HUGE nerd-crush on Casey. I pretty much was just agog over her and therefore my notes are not up to par. This is what her Dissertation is on.  She's incredible.

Dr. Julie Hawk - “Watch how I soar”: Finding Serenity in the Death of the Author and the Death of the Book

·         Walsh = Author; Book = Book - which we have to lose to make way for; River = post-text

·         Whedon gives ownership to the audience

·         River is the ever-changing text

Jess Bowers - Once you do it, the World’s All Different: Season Eight as Adaptation

·         Fidelity discourse - used by adaptation critics - how fans address/discuss

·         “After these messages, we’ll be right back” - nostalgia and undercutting that nostalgia

·         Derrida - “the prestige of the original is created by the copy”

Marc McKee - Topher Brink and Joss Whedon: The Death of the Author as Gift of Narrative Agency

·         Topher as surrogate for Whedon

§  Calls into question complicity in taking audience agency

o    Director of scenes between Echo/doll & Handler

o    Re-using actors likened to Dolls

·         “Briar Rose”

o    Message of hope - desire to fix story: authorial agency as a possibility

o    Birth of the Reader- “fixing” the narrative they are supposed to receive

·         Pulse Bomb gives world back narrative

Genre and Narratology

Richard S. Albright - “Creative Treatment of Actuality”: The Pseudo-Documentary and the Whedonverse

·         Serenity: documentary-like opening make it that much more jarring when multiple realities are revealed

§  Both in “Documentary Style”

·         Alliance/Unification story (Myth)

·         Miranda Report (Truth)

·         “Man on the Street” - Buffy

·         “Storyteller” - Espenson (BtVS)

Mary Ellen Iatropoulous:
Defining Joss Whedon’s Disability Narrative Ethic: The Impairment Arcs of Lindsey, Xander, and Bennett

·         Anxiety about Marginalized Spaces and Language

o    Interplay (and conflict) between individual and environment

§  Impairment (physical) vs. Disability (social marginalization of the impaired)

o    “Lame” - what the person saying it thinks it means

·         Characters have the choice to internalize the biomedical/personal tragedy

o    Power, Privilege, Able-ism = Evil in Angel

o    Lindsey rejects Able-ism

o    Bennett impaired within disabling system

§  Chooses personal tragedy narrative: innocent to sadist

·         Had the choice - chooses narrative of being broken

o    Xander: group is discouraged but he chooses a different narrative

§  Buffy takes biomedical view

§  On-going discussion/negotiation of discomfort

·         “Good”

o    Allowing selves to negotiate their own narratives

§  (Scoobies)

·         “Bad”

o    Using humans as spare parts

o    Giving into biomedical/personal tragedy narrative

§  (Wolfram & Rossum)

If you pay attention to such things, which I usually don’t ‘cause I’m a slacker, then me telling you that Mary Ellen won the Mr. Pointy award at Slayage this year won’t be a big shock. However - I can vouch: it was the best presentation I saw and I pretty much knew she would win; I don’t know anyone who didn’t vote for her. I (actually) voted for someone else (I’ll let you know when that happens) primarily because I felt that the presentation was damn near as good - and I already knew that Mary Ellen had it in the bag. I always vote for the second-runner-up. I’m not sure if she was, they don’t really reveal things like that, but I hope that someone else voted for their second-favorite just for the sake of giving that person their good energy.

Day Three

Keynote Speaker

Jonathan Gray: Joss Whedon as Undead Author


Roland Barthes “Death of the Author” - talk about the Rebirth of the Author

·         Discursive entities: “Joss (& Others)”

§  Why bring it back?                              ▪   How is it possible?

o    Strategic killing - author in the way; began with the Romantics fetishization

§  Text impossible to get to

-          “Text itself” oxymoron - need to look at the work (Ontology)

o    Text is always in the process of becoming

o    Need to look at it in full

-          When is the author? (At what moments?)

-          THEORY:

o    Nancy K. Miller

§  Important to give power to women authors - we can kill some authors

§  It’s about giving/taking power

o    Foucault

§  Discursive entity - why do we talk about the author

-          TV: Author has co-presence with the Reader

o    Joss even goes beyond

§  Paradox: In order for the text to be what I want it to be - I have to give it up so that YOU can make it what you want it to be

o    Textual Identity (Post Modern Subject)

o    Paratexts: the key creator of meaning

§  Aka: trailers tell you how to read the texts

·         Opening credits and fan-created credits: changes meaning

^ How do we know preferred meanings?

§  Merchandise: what meanings opened/downplayed?

-          Clusters of Authorship

·         Look at powerful moments of meaning making

o    What worth is the author?

§  Sites of meaning

·         Joss tells audience how he wants them to read his texts> eve if the texts do not always support that meaning

§  Legitimacy in cultural artifacts: Knighting the Author

·         Need to think about where power is being given

§  Mediator of culture

·         Author as victim? Industry victimization

§ Lit Studies  -likes to pretend that the Industry doesn’t exist, but in Media Studies we can actually start to acknowledge/talk about it

·         We like the author to run interference between Industry and the Audience

·         Portal Guardians in the works - people who try to appease PTB

§  Authoring with Authors?

·         Utopian scripts - how we author our world by talking about authors - expressing other things

·         Why we talk about authors

-          Author as Discursive?

o What and Why?

o Why involved at specific times?

o How is a text more “useful” with Joss added to it?

o What do his producers want with him; and what they are communicating?

o What does the press want with him and what are they saying?

o How is Joss repurposed over time; to what end?

o Who fights over Joss? What’s at stake?

§ Random aside: Terry O’Quinn had a large presence on the LOST boards; but publicly told them he needed a break so he could figure out what HE felt about the character

·   Discussion:

o Technology and Mass communication linked to resurrection of the Author?

§  Helpful, but not necessarily dependent

o    The Author (Joss) wants all of us to be the Author - playing with Authorship

§  “Bring your Own Subtext”, etc.

slayage 2012

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