Song of Purple Summer

Aug 30, 2012 13:40

First of all - LADIES! I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone and everyone who posted in my recent foray into the world of hosting things. " The UnLoved Ladies Appreciation Post" was exactly the kind of confetti-throwing, gif-spam-emoting, fan-squeeing, and general LOVE that I wanted and I think we all need from time to time. (Not to be pompous) ... but we're all pretty smart around here, in this corner of fandom that I've forced myself on. With all the awe-inspiring productivity and discussion that happens in this space, I was glad to give/have a space just for raw love and squee. We deserve it, every once in a while. To just squee. And apparently some of you think so, too! Because from where I'm standing, it was a success!!!

I hope, if you missed it, that you won't consider it closed - keep posting! I want to know what ladies you love that others don't ... even just side-character ladies OR ladies in small fandoms that you feel have been left out. Anything, everything, please don't consider the love dead!

I may, depending on response to this, try to host a Lady-Love Squee every few months? Probably weekends right around when some of us are dealing with Finals/other RL-headaches that prevent Squee. Also, next time I will do something of this nutty when I actually have internet so that I can be a better host... Baby-Roomie*** has decided to take care of the "getting the internet" problem in our house, so I can just sit back on my heels and let him take care of it.

*** Baby-Roomie is an adorkable 18yr old, still in HS, but taking college classes and runs his own web-design business that is successful enough, he can afford to live on his own. He went to his first club last night... he's super excited to be living on his own, it's endearing. (Also, he replaced Moody-Roomie, the musician/novelist who tried very hard to get me to sleep with him/ smoke pot... which I appreciated objectively, but still.)

And also, for the hell of it, a meme:

Ask me questions and I will answer with definite lies.

lj has a tag, flist hearts, fandom is my girlfriend, gold glitter tears, meme?

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