Having thoughts... Here's more Anna

Aug 24, 2012 08:58

I am in the midst of wanting to write ALL the things, but have had zero time this week. I'm dog-sitting an 8 month old pitt-mastiff mix.

And started my second/back-up job, while still maintaining hours for my current position and you know... living.

Tue/Wed my schedule literally went something like this: Wake up. Walk dog. Shower. Bus. Work. Bus. Play with dog. Bike. Work. Bike. Walk dog. Eat. Crash.

Yesterday and today I work(ed) less, but I also went and got feathers in my hair (I'm in a mood) with my doppleganger and stayed up late talking about PTSD in Harry Potter and Physics with my second-best gay. I'm serious.

So this afternoon, post dog-walkerey and LOST-watchery/note-takerey (this weekend we record for Fire + Water and all I can think is: wtf?!?! My brain does not compute what is happening on screen at all.)

After all that, I should be writing something substantial and interesting. *fingers crossed*

Until then: Anna has a pretty face and HANDS and Jeannine Hall Gailey and HERE:::

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

tv, pic!spam, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, vampires today

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