[Live Musings] Anecdote

Aug 21, 2011 19:09

My father-in-law has taken over the living room the past two days, and
therefore the tv with netflix, so I took up S1 of LOST in my room with
my knitting. And just when I get to Tue part where Locke and Boone are
out scouting and Locke predictably the rain... I realize that I need to
indoctrinate Roomie.

So there we are, it is episode one. It starts.
I hear her call out: Is this like Survivor on crack?
I let it go.

And then: This is about a plane crash, right?
I let it go.

And the black smoke monster starts tearing down trees.
I pause the dvd: This isn't just some show about some people in a plane
Roomie: Okay! Okay! I get it!
Are you in for six?
Yes okay I'm in!

And then I pressed play.

If there's any other way to convince my ADD Roomie to invest herself
into six seasons of the craziness that is this series... I don't know
it. And I don't care. Torture is way too entertaining.
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