Twin Peaks 1.1 "Pilot"

Jul 10, 2011 10:57

I watched this twice because it was just SO good.

No spoilers, really - just some quick observations before I queue up the next episode:

  • Each character - or "main" - has their own theme music. Which is - holy crap awesome. Once you get used to which theme goes with which character, it's interesting to see which character gets priority and when.
  • The icon is Audrey - because even though Agent Cooper is obviously what makes or breaks this series - she's possibly already my favorite character. She's downright naughty and it's fun to watch amidst all the drama-drama.
  • Bobby just freaks me out, and I'm leaving it at that. Though - the actor truly behaves like a teenager - his physical movements and delivery are very "I'm 17 and on top of the world" that most adult-actors-playing-teens just don't get. I have always thought teens are represented in tv/film as a bit too stoic and world-weary.

  • That's really it for now. Loving a show about my homestate!

    tv, random thought, tp: i heart audrey horn

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