Sunset 3/?

Jul 03, 2011 19:45

Herein lies Chapter 3 - In which the B plot takes a drastic turn for the dramatic and the A plot pretty much stays on course.

Delsin was pacing in front of Nikki’s Studio late that night when Tehya finally stumbled out the door, waving a half-hearted good bye to her aunt, and looking a little less than glamorous. She leaned heavily into the duffel bag on her shoulder and was struggling to simultaneously pull something out of her coat pocket and put it on. She frowned into the face of her cell phone that lit her face with a bluish glow and Delsin chuckled under his breath.
“Delsin,” she breathed, startled and with a quick flick of her wrist, had slipped her phone back into her coat pocket.
“Princess,” Delsin inclined his head toward her in a mock bow and waited.
“Delsin,” Tehya’s voice bordered between fatigue and annoyance. “It’s nearly nine o’clock. What do you want?” Delsin remained very still and Tehya stared up at him. Any minute now he thought to himself. And then, her face suddenly changed from a frown of annoyance to one of embarrassment, and almost horror. To anyone else, this slight shift would have been lost, especially in the dark, but Delsin had spent the better part of his adolescence longing for and anticipating the small moments in which he could see her. “Oh Delsin,” she breathed his name like a sigh and he tried to ignore his stomach suddenly flipping around. She had always done that and it had always filled him with pleasure, since the day they first met, sighing his name out as if half of her body was trying to keep it locked inside, but when she breathed it came speeding out of her unheeded and regardless of her mind’s direction. “I forgot. We had plans? And I’m all sweaty.” Her voice dropped at the end in a slight whine. It had been a long day.
“Pizza?” Delsin held up the boxes in his hand that she had previously not noticed and a plastic grocery bag in the other. “I promised your dad you’d be home before ten, I figured he’d be watching the game alone, and that after today a pair of sweats is all you’d be willing to change into.”
Tehya took his proffered arm and sagged into it, “So you’re not oblivious like other guys.”
“I’ve just known you longest,”
Tehya punched his arm softly and Delsin resisted the urge to kiss the top of her forehead as they walked to his truck. Tehya folded herself into the front seat, her arms clasped firmly around her knees and her forehead pressed against the cool window, silent until they were almost halfway to Remy’s ramshackle house. “It’s so wet here,” she moaned into the darkness. She turned her head so that it was leaned against the back of the seat and her eyes scanned the top of the truck, finally resting on Delsin’s face. “I’m sorry,” she laughed. “I don’t mean to whine or complain. I know… knew that it’s wet here. But it’s always a shock. I don’t think I can run in this.”
Delsin fought to keep both hands on the steering wheel, with her so close, and sounding so… needy. Which he knew didn’t make a lick of sense, she had always been self-sufficient: a little uncoordinated and prone to accidents, maybe, but fiercely independent. It was just that he wanted her to need him; since she had insisted so many times that she would never want him. Course… they were both older now, maybe…? He killed the thought before it could take root, it was enough to be in love with a girl he knew wouldn’t… or couldn’t… love him back, no need pretending to himself that she did. It was easier knowing that she didn’t. He looked sideways at her and realized that she was still talking, something about joining the cross-country running team??? He cleared his throat, “If you’re working for your aunt, do you really think you’ll have time to join something like that?”
Tehya shook her head, “Probably not.”
Delsin looked up and realized that they were parked in the driveway. Tehya had hopped out and was nearing the door, fiddling with her phone in the darkness as she walked. Delsin struggled to unbuckle his seatbelt and grab the food, skipping awkwardly up to the door to catch up with Tehya. As he had suspected, Remy Bertrand was sitting on the couch with a beer in hand, engrossed in the baseball game on the television.
Without turning his head, he called out, “Okay first day, hunny?”
But Tehya had already disappeared upstairs and Delsin could hear the distant sound of a shower being turned on. He strode confidently around the couch and sat down next to his boss, setting the pizza boxes and the bag of soft drinks on the coffee table in front of them. Remy cocked an eyebrow at him, but chose wisely to eat the pizza offered him in silence. By the time Tehya stumbled down the stairs in dark purple cotton shorts and a white tank top, her hair wet and pulled into a long braid that fell to her waist, Delsin and Remy were as comfortable they had been on any other night before Tehya had come home. Since Tehya’s grandfather had died, leaving Delsin and his sister without guardianship, Remy had taken an interest in the family, stepping in where the chief had previously been a prominent figure in Delsin’s life. His father and mother were long since dead and though there were other tribal members in the area to help raise the children, Delsin and Remy found in each other perfect companionship. When Remy had encouraged Delsin to become a deputy the previous year, shortly after finishing his schooling, Delsin had jumped at the chance and the two men had become stronger friends for it. Everyone on the Mountain now anticipated Delsin to be the next sheriff when Remy retired, and Delsin was comforted in knowing that he and his sister would always be able to stay on the Mountain, barring disaster.
Delsin handed Tehya a paper plate loaded with veggie pizza and sparkling flavored water while scooting over to make room for her on the couch. As he breathed in her natural earthy scent, hovering underneath the jasmine shampoo and body oil that Tehya had always preferred, Delsin tried desperately to focus on the pizza in his hand, the game on the television, the sound of Remy’s voice that rumbled and growled over bad plays, bad calls, poor sportsmanship… but Tehya’s arm grazed his and his eyes found themselves on her face, examining her profile, the shadows that dance as she blinks long, dark eyelashes, the way her flat nose wrinkles up in reaction, the cold pale sheen to her skin and then - when she leaned forward to grab a napkin, Delsin’s eyes lingered on the places where her long, wet hair had dampened her white top, causing it to stick to her back, revealing contracting muscles and the long line of her spine. Delsin forced his gaze to shift, to his knees, to his plate, to the game, to Remy, anywhere…
Delsin sprung out of his seat and murmured an apology before heading into the kitchen to answer his phone.
“Geez brother-bear, why are you so snippy?” The bright voice that came blaring through his cell phone, though muffled and distorted by a combination of poor reception and too much background noise, Delsin instantly recognized.
“Chen. What do you want?”
“Date with her high and mighty-ness not going according to your big romantic plans?”
Though he knew Chenoa was teasing, it was hard for his sixteen year old sister to be serious about much of anything, her jab at Tehya raised his already frayed nerves. He swallowed down his anxiety, “What do you want, Chen?”
“I’m sorry… just wondering if we need to get two lanes tonight or just the one?”
Delsin rubbed his forehead, “I’m not really sure…” something touched his arm and he looked down, startled, into Tehya’s wondering gaze. He covered the phone with his hand and whispered, “Chenoa wants us to join her at the bowling alley?”
“Bowling?” Tehya’s nose wrinkled. It wasn’t that she didn’t like bowling, but the concept of lots of unknown people and noise after the past two days didn’t sound appealing. She watched as Delsin listened intently to the high pitched voice that sounded tinny to Tehya’s ears. She looked over at her shoulder, her father was still sitting on the couch, but for the moment his attention was diverted from the television. She mouthed to him Bowling?
Remy’s gruff voice boomed out, “It’ll be a nice way to meet some of your classmates before starting up in a couple days.” Tehya sighed. It was true. She wasn’t great at making new friends and knew to accept all the help she could get to start fitting in. Plus, it seemed as though her father expected her to be the A-typical teen and stay out late at night, even if it was just to give him the pleasure of bellowing at her when she came home late. In the East, curfews were unnecessary, since Tehya rarely went out and her friends preferred to stay out late at her house, rather than anywhere else anyway. She shook Delsin’s shoulder and nodded assent before tripping up the stairs.
For a long moment she stood staring at the jumble of clothes strewn about the room, clad only in her underwear. She scratched her left elbow and frowned. Bowling? She had, since returning upstairs, changed half a dozen times. Generally she wasn’t so picky, Maddie and the other girls hadn’t cared if she was wearing old sweats and her hair was up in a sloppy bun… they all were usually exhausted from studying dance and were dressed similarly, anyway. Here? Meeting Chenoa and her friends for the first time… that wasn’t the reason . Tehya glanced over her shoulder at the closed door, the sounds of Remy’s laughter breaking through. She felt somehow that Delsin taking her out, introducing her to his family, was an auspicious enough of an occasion to wear something other than sweats. To prove to others that Delsin’s affection for her was not misplaced… Even if by the time they arrived it would be nearly ten o’clock at night. She looked back to the pile of clothes strewn on the bed, regretting for a moment her lifelong resistance to the possession of jeans. Living in a colder climate had not lowered her resolve. She pulled out of a large pile a silver-grey long sleeve shirt and a deep green hand-knit sleeveless tunic that fit snugly to just above her knees. With these she paired woolen thigh-high grey socks and black flats that would fit inside either the black UGGs or rain-boots waiting at the front door.
As she slipped some green earrings onto her ears and ran her hand through her damp hair, unweaving the braid she saw Delsin in her doorway. He stood transfixed, his mouth actually hanging open. Tehya broke into giggles and he blushed, “Are you ready?”
She twirled around, her long hair spiraling out around her, “Do I look okay?” Delsin merely smiled and held out her black pea coat. His hands lingered on her shoulders as he helped her into the coat, but she pulled away quickly. His eyes flicked quickly to hers and then away, his shoulders lowered slightly as he eased out of the room and down the stairs. Tehya pulled her long hair out from under the coat and followed.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
During the drive from the house to the bowling alley, Tehya had been preoccupied by the blue glare of her smart phone. She clacked into it nonstop, frowning occasionally. Delsin could’ve sworn he heard her sniff loudly and dry her eyes, but he tried not to notice, focusing on the road and the stereo and how much he’d wished he’d said no to Chenoa. He wished they were still curled up on the couch, maybe with his arm slyly placed around her shoulder. He looked up at her an hour later, giggling with Chenoa and her boyfriend’s sister, Kimi, like any other teenage girl. Bowling who would have thought it would bring Tehya out of her shell? She wasn’t winning by any stretch of the imagination, truthfully she was exasperatingly uncoordinated when not dancing and by the end of the night would probably have bruises all up and down her legs from crashing into everything she passed. Delsin yearned to take her home, to ask her what news had come on the ride over that made her behavior seem forced, almost manic. The others had not noticed the underlying layer of stress hidden behind Tehya’s laughter, but it grated on Delsin’s nerves. She must have sensed his concern, because several times in the past hour she had leaned over to him, whispering that it was alright, not to worry, to enjoy himself. And the dirty looks Chenoa and her boyfriend Samoset kept shooting his way made it clear that his lack of focus was not going unnoticed by anyone. After his next bowl, a strike, he turned back and there was suddenly a new tension in the air.
“I gotta strike… guys?”
Tehya’s face was stricken and he fought the urge to go to her side instantly. Kimi looked up at him, “I just asked if Tehya wanted to go running with us, I’m restless.” She stretched her arms high over her head, the movement pulling up the fabric of her shirt to expose her pierced belly button. Delsin narrowed his eyes at Chenoa, who just shrugged her shoulders. Samoset had his hand on her shoulder protectively, which almost made Delsin laugh out loud. Behind them, Their friend Elan was staring at Tehya wide eyed.
Delsin ground out a low growl, “Tehya… she’s never…”
Tehya broke in, “I’ve never gone running. Not like…”
They all avoided each other’s eyes. And then Delsin heard a female voice say, “Well Tehya Raine, you’re out late again.”
Tehya jumped up and turned around, for a split second glad for the interruption, but upon seeing Brynhild’s pale face staring down at her she regretted the impulse. Behind her, the four members of her tribe bristled and pulled together, she held out her hand to stop Delsin from coming to her side. “He-Hello.” Tehya stumbled over the simple salutation as three figures came up to join Brynhild. A tall, young man with dark hair and dark, drooping eyes, a long hooked nose, and long, slender fingers that wrapped around Brynhild’s upper arm while he whispered something in her ear that made her smile wickedly. A small, impossibly small, black girl peered out from behind Brynhild, her black eyes wide and searching, the only colors in her small, round face were the whites of her eyes and the deep red of her small, pouting lips. Only as tall as the average twelve year old, the darker girl was dwarfed by the lighter figures, but under her clothing were obvious curves of maturity. Behind her was another tall, light figure. He looked somewhere around Tehya’s age, but all four seemed ageless and ancient at the same time. It was this last that stirred something in Tehya, his light sandy hair hung shaggy, hiding his light copper eyes hovering over high cheekbones.
“Bryn,” the small girl said in an unfeasibly deep, gravely voice. “Don’t be rude.” Brynhild’s mouth curved upward in a half smile but she didn’t say anything. The smaller girl shouldered past her, “Excuse my sister, she is unfortunately, impossible to house-train.” She smiled brightly up at Tehya, her head coming up only to Tehya’s collarbone. “I’m Asha, you know Bryn, of course. That hunk of Russian servilitude …” she inclined her head to the right, toward the darker man still holding Brynhild’s arm, “is Markos, you can call him Mark it won’t offend him. And the other is Arlan.” Tehya managed to nod hello and before she could turn to introduce the others, Asha said cheerfully, “Delsin, Chenoa, Sam, Elan, Kimi - nice to see you.” Her voice had paused and caressed Kimi’s name in a familiar way, causing Delsin to stiffen slightly. Asha’s smile merely broadened and Tehya found it infectious, smiling back at her just as broadly.
Ignoring the obvious tension in the room Tehya suddenly broke out, “Would you like to join us?” A sudden, choking growl erupted from Delsin behind her and Brynhild’s eyes flashed. Tehya bit her lip, knowing that she had said the wrong thing. Arlan broke away from the group and darted for the door, seemingly in a huff. Brynhild laughed, “Another time, maybe?” She bared her teeth in an imitation of a smile and dragged Markos along as she sauntered after Arlan.
Asha grabbed Tehya’s hand and whispered to her conspiratorially, “Women, can’t live with them….” Her voice trailed off and she shrugged.
Tehya smiled, “She’s got… personality.”
Asha giggled, “It could be worse. She could skulk around being all broody like Arlan, Can’t have two of those in the family!” Tehya felt her air constrict at the sound of Arlan’s name, but Asha slyly pretended not to notice and pressed a slip of paper into Tehya’s hand. “Here’s my number, in case you ever…” she seemed to hesitate for the first time. “Well anyway, I like you. And I’m formally offering my hand in friendship.” She pulled away from Tehya suddenly to follow the others, pausing only for a moment to wink at Kimi from the doorframe.
Tehya looked down at the paper in her hand, on it in girlish script was written a seven digit number and a short message:

Txt me - I honestly want to be friends xoxo

Tehya Raine, Age 10
Grandpapa brought Delsin to visit last week again. Today is my birthday. It’s a full moon and me and mamma are super glad that grandpapa is gone. I called daddy today and told him I didn’t want to go the Mountain this year, or ever again. Delsin scares me sometimes and I know that if I was on the Mountain, mamma wouldn’t be there to stop him from calling me Princess and talking about our wedding. He promised me a camping trip instead this year. I wish mamma would go camping with me sometimes but she doesn’t like the woods. Grandpapa got mad at her for living in a city. He said that living in the city was like putting a bird in a cage. Mamma said sometimes birds like to be in cages. Grandpapa was so mad that he left with Delsin a day early. I was glad. We are both glad when grandpapa leaves now, it makes me sad.
For birthday mamma gave me a book full of stories like she likes to tell me at night. Mostly swan-maiden and selkie stories and the Huli jing and lots of different Beauty and the Beast stories and The Little Mermaid, all stories about shape-shifters that she found and had collected for me. It was so exciting. She said it wasn’t fair that all the other girls have history books about their ancestors in their homes but us. It was exactly what I wanted.

5:30 PM Let us know how the date goes!!! ***Maddie***
5:46 PM I am sending you a care package >>>LisaLoo<<<
6:31 PM You too! @;~Tey ~;@
7:34 PM I’m thinking this whole date thing was a mistake. Also: I miss you xoxo ***Maddie***
7:34 PM I miss you too, M. I didn’t leave because… well anyway I’ll call you later @;~Tey~;@
7:41 PM I have every intention of telling Ty how I feel… TODAY. You were right earlier <3 Summer <3
8:05 PM He leaned in for a kiss and I freaked. I can’t do this anymore… ***Maddie***
8:06 PM Why is M freaking out? >>>LisaLoo<<<
8:07 PM I just got a txt from her saying that J was all mine? WTF? >>>LisaLoo<<<
8:50 PM L- Keep me posted? @;~Tey~;@
8:56 PM I told my parents the truth ***Maddie***
9:01 PM I hope you don’t intend to come home because Maddie is sleeping in your bed for a while -mom
9:04 PM What the hell is going on? Do you know? ::Tyler::
9:30 PM I’m halfway through my confession to Ty when he gets a txt from Lisa & darts away! What is going on??? <3Summer<3
9:32 PM Girl where are you? This is the craziest day! ::Tyler::
9:38 PM Did you know about Maddie???? >>>LisaLoo<<<
9:43 PM Her parents kicked her out? Thanks for letting her stay in my room! @;~Tey~;@
9:44 PM Maddie I’m so proud of you!!!! I’m so sorry your parents are such tools! @;~Tey~;@
9:45 PM Of course I knew @;~Tey~;@
9:45 PM Please think about Maddie right now and not your torrid love triangle @;~Tey~;@
9:47 PM Of course I did. My daughter’s first love only deserves the best -mom
9:48 PM Besides, she’s been like a daughter for so long anyway… I’d rather she was here than anywhere else -mom
9:49 PM Thank you mamma, I’ll call in the morning @;~Tey~;@
9:49 PM In all the hubbub, Summer kissed me ::Tyler::
9:49 PM Did you kiss back? @;~Tey~;@
9:49 PM I’ll only tell you that if you confirm the rumor that you and Maddie used to be a couple??!::Tyler::
9:51 PM It’s confirmed @;~Tey~;@
9:49 PM Then yes, I kissed her back ::Tyler::
9:49 PM Lisa who??? ::Tyler::
9:51 PM On my way to your house to see Maddie. Your mom is so sweet for letting her stay! <3Summer<3
9:51 PM ps- Ty is with me - and we just kissed!!!! <3Summer<3
9:51 PM Though I guess you don’t swing that way? <3Summer<3
9:53 PM I swing … every which way @;~Tey~;@
9:53 PM I’m the worst friend. Do you think I should take chocolate? >>>LisaLoo<<<
9:53 PM Tuna Melts!!! @;~Tey~;@
9:54 PM hahaha! Miss you!!! >>>LisaLoo<<<
9:55 PM All the girls are here, but you aren’t. :( - mom
9:56 PM I’m torn between being happy that Maddie is here and wanting to strangle her parents -mom
9:56 PM Everyone is here but you and it’s super weird! ***Maddie***
9:57 PM Summer and Ty?? Perfection!!! >>>LisaLoo<<<
9:58 PM I’m sorry I’m not there for you @;~Tey~;@
9:58 PM I’m so happy for you stud!!! @;~Tey~;@
9:58 PM Take a page from those around you: tell Jason that you still care for him @;~Tey~;@
10:01 PM No promises >>>LisaLoo<<<
11:35 PM Being a normal teen is so much easier than all this crap on the Mountain @;~Tey~;@
11:37 PM You ARE a normal teen… just in circumstances these girls can’t comprehend -mom
12:05 PM Why?? @;~Tey~;@
12:06 PM Because I need a friend even more than you do ((Asha))
12:07 PM Which is really saying something ((Asha))

I'm still in research and development so the next few chapters will come only as quickly as I can figure some things out. However, my favorite character has finally made an appearance.

fic: sunset, fic happens here, vampires today

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