SPN 3:1-5

Jun 11, 2011 17:25

The Magnificent Seven

In the Moment In the Moment
  • Dean's schmoozing is already pissing me off; mostly because it doesn't really seem in character. Like how in TrueBlood, Bill is the fangirl version of his character in the book - only in reverse. That 5% of Dean that's horny and ridiculous is now around 80% of the time. I'm not buying it.
  • The Draino scene pissed me off. Seriously, my bf is a CJ guy. He told me about a police report he read of a woman who drank Draino in a suicide attempt. The crime scene was a total mess. No one could make heads or tails out of it. She was in so much pain she trashed the house and tried to kill herself a number of different ways before it finally ended. Drain = hours and hours of agonizing pain that makes you want to kill yourself. Seriously. No way in hell someone drinks Draino and then falls on the floor dead. Bullshit.
  • VERY glad that the petite blonde wandering out of the woods kicked ass - seriously what this show needs.

    Mnaw Moments
    "Pulling the electric" ???
    Sam is "the prodigy... boy-king" <-- that's kinda cool :)

    Why I love Dean
    "Maybe I am selfish - after all I've done for this family, I deserve it."
    I mean... right?!?!?

    Dean 4/5
    Sam 3/5

    The Kids Are Alright

    In the Moment
  • Dean usually has good instincts about cases, why are we dismissing that in favor of horn-dog Dean??? WTF IS GOING ON? OK - the thing with mini-Dean was kinda cute
  • Children feed on the mothers... metaphor anyone?
  • Glad the mom is finally being addressed... or at least brought up

  • - Pretty wild that everyone that knew the mom is dead. How the hell did she know the yellow-eyed demon? That's not about Sam!

    Mnaw Moments
    "Anti-Christ thing." ???
    "This is your life, it'll never be mine." <-- I need a fic where Dean is happy!

    Why I love Dean
    It feels like Dean himself is reverting back into a stage in which nothing matters. If he only has a year to live, then it's easy enough to just forego any hopes/dreams. His increased sexuality (or, how I'm trying to rationalize the bad writing to myself) is a way to be completely alone inside of himself, so that he doesn't have to think about what he gave away.
    All of the "goofy" traits that are supposed to lead the audience to believe Ben is the son of Dean, didn't really get me (but I loved that they tripped up Dean: mirrors are brutal, especially when they reflect what we think about ourselves). What did were two well-plotted moments that portrayed:

    (1) determined independence
    - Yes, he didn't want to be called a "bitch" ... but I'm letting that go in order to focus on the sentiment. Yes, it's a sentiment that is portrayed as a gender-biased dichotomy, but that's sort of the world we're working in, right?

    (2) Selflessness in a high-pressure situation
    - When Ben showed maturity and selflessness while trying to protect the other children, it really gave me pause. I know that the series is playing light-handedly with the concept of nature vs. nurture with both Winchesters... and it's never easy to say which side an episode will come down on. Did Dean inherit his nurturing nature from his mother, and therefore possibly passed it on to Ben? Or did they both learn the trait - were taught? Had Ben been Dean's son it would be really easy for the series to then say: Dean is protective of Sam naturally, rather than it being a learned skill. They didn't. But the question still stands. It's being expressed more eloquently and subtly with Dean (since Sam is part demon or whatever) and I enjoyed seeing it explored in another venue.

    When it comes to Dean, for me, the issue of nurture vs. nature is too interesting: because he is the nurturing element in the Winchester family.

    Dean 4/5
    Sam 3/5

    Bad Day At Black Rock

    In the Moment
  • What this show DIDN'T NEED:: a Jesus-freak (no offense meant, but seriously?????)

  • We're getting to the point in the series that the one-off villains are more interesting, or at least saying more interesting things, than the regular characters.

    Mnaw Moments
    "Being a hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved?
    "I'm Batman" <-- Serious LOL
    "See - I can read people" <-- why does Dean keep saying that?

    Why I love Dean
    'Cause he's a geek

    Dean 3/5
    Sam 4/5 <-- actually normal in this episode, and nearly adorably so... apparently I like my Sam down-trodden and childish... but not depressed and immature... it's a fine line

    Sin City

    In the Moment
  • Question of the day: Do Humans want to destroy themselves?
  • - LOVING this! It's dark. And grey. And lovely.
  • The new blonde demon is MUCH more interesting than Meg was
  • Demons have faith in Lucifer? Coolio - the mythology is actually starting to thicken. Also: yellow-eyes is Azazel?!?! This would have been more interesting to know from the beginning... Why did it wait?
  • Am I the only one that thinks it's pretty sweet that there are demons out there ready to be loyal to Sam? Pretty interesting plot-twist. And! I love that Dean was ready to listen, let them go, because they love Sam - vs Sam who isn't willing to listen, possibly in fear of understanding what Azazel had planned for him? Or is it a Dumbledore/Gandalf thing - doesn't want to be tempted by power that is sure to corrupt?
  • Concept of chaos brought up again - very interesting!

  • Mnaw Moments
    "Little fallen angel on your shoulder." <-- I love the representation of demons as fallen angels, it will make the mythology richer in the long run.

    Why I love Dean
    I find it incredibly interesting that the most information we're getting on the war is being told by the "enemy" to Dean - Sam is constantly in the position to gain knowledge and shies away from it. Whereas Dean (possibly because he has so little time left) seems to be more open to new knowledge.

    5/5 Dean
    2/5 Sam <-- obvs NOT the brains of the operation

    Bedtime Stories

    In the Moment
  • Reverse of "The Kids are Alright" - now the mother is torturing/feeding off the child
  • I beg to differ, Sam. The Grimm brothers actually TOTES altered and sanitized the fairy tales they compiled. Fun fact. <--- This is an irritant for me.
  • I have very little to say about this episode. It was an awesomely executed monster-of-the-week, but the main plot seems to be a side note right now.

    Why I love Dean
    I really didn't in this episode. I'm really hating the writers for making him such a douche-bag in this season.

    Dean 3/5
    Sam 3/5

    Both brothers were unremarkable in this episode. But everything else was well-done and I enjoyed it.

    Just a little bug in the ointment: I'm actually starting to enjoy scenes with Sam... it's like the writers tried to hard to make a point about him in the first two seasons, and now they're just letting him be, evolve more naturally. On the other hand, Dean has now taken that role - half the time he's obnoxiously poorly written, like someone who didn't actually watch the first two seasons is now writing a version of Dean that only reflects 5% of his persona.
  • fairy tales, spn is about the ladies

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