My kids

Feb 20, 2011 19:37

While watching a Spuffy vid the other day that focused on Buffy/Willow/Xander, I realized that it didn't pull at my heart-strings. No. There's something about the way identities are shaped in that relationship that icks me - there's more repression and policing of each other than acceptance. Which causes tension and is (arguably) more emotional to watch. Also. I have Xander-hate.

In the Whedon-verse the friendship "Trios" that pull at me are (this list will exclude sexual triangles because... because):

Buffy/Dawn/Faith: though never really expressed on screen due to Dawn's late arrival - there's something about this unseen sisterhood that really appeals to me. Someone recommend a fic! Quick!

Angel/Cordy/Wes: this friendship! It is beyond the pale. I love these kids. And the lack of resolution after Connor kills me.

Echo/Sierra/Victor: They flock.

Angelus/Spike/Dru: Sexy and feisty. There's so much to these three. *

Angel-us/Darla/Dru: Similar to the above, but with more Angel-time. *

*All four together are fancy, but we see only brief glimpses of the four all together in the same moment. The real power-plays are between Spike/Angelus and Darla/Angelus, with Dru continuously manipulating and amused by the angst. Also, I don't see a strong connection between Spike and Darla - they merely tolerate one another, and this list is of friendships that work in threes.

But I so prefer the Ron/Hermione/Harry Trio. Just thinking of them pulls at my heart in a way that those listed above just... don't.

ats: manpain & schenanigans, btvs is flawed, polyamory, joss sceptic

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