Apr 06, 2015 18:10

The first round of multi_genfic is now in the Nominations Round! Come join us! Pimp this community! WHATEVER!

Let's play!

click the banner to get to the nomination post

This community will work on the same principles as the fabulous femslash_minis, every two weeks there will be an exchange, but in this comm - gen/friendship/platonic relationships are the focus! This is a multi-fandom experience, so for the next three days we'll be hosting nominations for what fandoms will be focused on for this round. On Wednesday, sign-ups will go live and on Saturday we start writing!

The world needs more gen-fic, we need more of an emphasis on friendships and family being just as important as romantic relationships. Romance is fun and it's sexy and provocative - but in this space, we're trying to build a community that looks more specifically at those relationships that are just as meaningful and carry just as much weight as the popular ships.

fandom is my girlfriend, call me myungsoo, gen minis, pimp!

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